fight for what's mine

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fight for what's mine.

fight for what's mine

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famous one shot.
requested by Queendobrik


it was probably the hundredth post brandon found himself being tagged in. none of them having to do with him, but on a reoccuring scandal involving one of his band members everyone knew as zion kuwonu. the comments on his recent posts were flooded with questions about how he felt about the newest scandal zion was committing. called them flings. people zion would be caught with, showing an interest to but never establishing as a relationship. everyone assumed it bothered brandon—especially when knowing the two lived with one another and announced not too long ago the birth of their few month old son kobe.

it was a shock to the media. no one knew that there was a possible relationship between the two. but what surprised everyone the most was when the pair admitted to not wanting to be a commited couple. they would co-parent, but they won't be together. and it was working perfectly fine. both of them were great parents with the help of the other members of the band, and they had amazing support from the fans.

brandon just wished they would stop including him in with whatever zion was doing. he didn't care about who zion dated or hung out with. as long as he was there to take care of their son at the end of the day, he could party with whoever he wanted. he would even usually turn the other cheek when one of zion's many partners would throw hate messages his way. they weren't his priority.

or that was until recently.

brandon was bouncing a giggling kobe on his leg, waiting as the count down for an instagram live to finish. and once it had, thousands of fans had joined to compliment the young father for being so great with his kid. of course between every other positive comment was one about how he felt about zion and his current love interest. brandon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the screen.

"guys, i've said this before and i'll say it again...i do not care about who zion is dating. he's just the father of my son. nothing more, nothing less" brandon sighs as he reads over the comments to his response. most of them seemed to have believed him, but there were others who still seemed skeptical.

it's not like brandon hasn't thought about what it would be like to actually be with the dread headed male. him and edwin had talks about it all the time. but then he'll remember about how untameable zion actually is and erase the thought completely from his mind. he didn't need such drama.

usernameone wants to be invited to join your live!

brandon disregarded the request as he placed a kiss on kobe's cheek. the tanned baby clapped at the affection before babbling.

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