not mine

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not mine.

au one shot

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au one shot.
matthew is made up.


edwin gripped the car seat tighter as he slammed the car door shut and locked it. him and his son jason were visiting matthew. edwin's previous lover and jason's father.

edwin should have known the two of them wouldn't have lasted from the start. the two never agreed and had different visions for their future. matthew was stuck living in his home town while edwin planned to travel. the two were polar opposites. and to edwin the only time they had actually got along was when they were having sex. edwin doesn't know why he started dating matthew. he actually believes it was the pretty face and charming personality that had him hooked. never did he really care for edwin; and when he did it was for brief moments. once edwin found out he was pregnant by his ex, he thought matthew would become an adult and take responsibility. edwin was wrong.

matthew did say he would care for the child, and edwin has seen him do so. matthew just wasn't serious about it. every now and then edwin would find the two in unfair situations. matthew would be asleep on the couch while jason lay on the floor staring and playing with anything he could get his hands on. or while jason would cry because he was hungry, matthew would act dumb and not understand what he wants. and when noticing the behavior between the two won't end, edwin vowed to never allow matthew to see his son alone ever again.

walking up the porch steps and knocking on the door, edwin began to grow tired. all he wanted to do was lay down and take a short nap. but of course he had to let matthew see his son for his few hours.

waiting for more than two minutes was enough for edwin to grow impatient. he knocked again with a little more force, this time the door slowly swinging open. edwin rolled his eyes as he walked right in, not caring if he was about to be scolded.

"matthew! you really need to start lock..." edwin trailed as a lean figure had appeared from the bedroom. it was male about his height. body half naked as he tried to pull his shirt over his head. edwin was in shock, and yet it slowly morphed into anger once matthew had stepped out of the bedroom as well. and once the other caught sight of edwin his face had gone red.

"edwin hey..." matthew said awkwardly. edwin glared at the taller.

"um, i should get going. see ya later babe" the unfamiliar man blurted before walking out the still open door. edwin wasn't even mad matthew had moved on. he was upset that matthew decided to have the stranger over when he knows edwin and jason were visiting.

"i'm sorry, if i knew you were coming this ea-"

"matthew you know when i get off work. i even sent you a text saying i'll be here shortly!" edwin said raising his voice a little. "how could you be so dumb!? this is exactly why i don't want you alone with jason!"

𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now