first time gone wrong

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first time gone wrong.

first time gone wrong

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famous one shot.
warning: mentions of intersex.
requested by -ASPHALT_ARREAGA


brandon moaned at zion's touch, smiling from the pleasurable feeling he was receiving. he also couldn't believe the events that were happening. never in a million years would he have guessed one of his band mates and him would be making out on a couch. their bodies were entangled in a spot of an open room where anyone could catch them. the thought of being caught by one of the other members they lived and worked with was scary, but yet again thrilling. it was clear the two of them wanted to keep whatever they were doing on the low. neither one of them wanted to take the friends with benefits situation further than it already was.

besides, brandon was cheating. he still had maggie. his loyal girlfriend of a few months. if she found out he preferred to be kissing zion than her, she would be heartbroken.

zion stood from his spot on the couch, brandon wrapped around his waist. the younger quit leaving marks on his neck to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"where are we going?"

zion smirked as he gripped brandon's bottom. the other squealed at the touch. he was still excited though.

brandon never got a response until he was brought into his bedroom. zion dropped him down on the large bed, immediately after leaning down to bring them back into an intense kiss. brandon grabbed zion's face in hopes of it bringing them closer. the taller was a drug brandon could not get enough of. he was lying to his girlfriend about him. so clearly brandon was addicted. zion broke the kiss, panting as he licked his lips. he tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head; brandon taking the chance to do the same. they felt as though the air around them was getting hotter. zion moved one of his hands downward, lightly tugging at the hem of brandon's sweatpants. quickly before he got too far, brandon pulled away and removed zion's hand.

"m-maybe we should stop" he choked out. zion looked at him with confusion.

"brandon you never want to go any further than making out and a hand job. what's wrong?" zion wondered as he sat up. he was on the edge with his focus on his hands. brandon frowned as he moved so he sat behind the older. his hands roamed his back, landing on his shoulders to give a light squeeze. brandon was scared to say what he was hiding. especially when he so desperately wanted to go that extra mile with zion. his thoughts were sometimes filled with those provocative dreams, leaving him locked in his room. "is it me?"

"no! no it's not you" brandon sucked in a breath to let it go. "it's me."

zion turned so they faced one another.

"what is it then? if you're insecure about your body, brandon i promise you're beautiful" zion confessed. brandon smiled at his attempt. but with a head shake and new frown, brandon interlocked their hands.

𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now