easily lost

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easily lost.

famous one shot

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famous one shot.
a short one shot.


"leila, babe!" edwin called out. the little girl who was only a year old giggled as she ran away from her father. "come on, it's time to go home!" he then shouts, while packing away the few toys and other necessities the little girl took out when playing. nick chuckled at the two, causing edwin to playfully push him in the arm. "you're supposed to be helping me. after two-thirty, she's your daughter anyway."

the small family was currently at the park, wanting a few peaceful moments to themselves before their career began to get hectic once more. but when having a daughter who is just as stubborn and sneaky as her parents, having fun is always an option.

"no, no, remember this morning" nick teased. "you said you had everything handled today. i only tagged along because she wanted me to" he then stated as he wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. edwin groaned before looking at his lover. his defeated frown instantly turned into a smile as he leaned in to give nick a peck on the lips. of course the older didn't disapprove of the affection and even continued to pamper the other in kisses.

"okay, we really have to go now. the other three might have burned the house down by now" edwin spoke as he stood to his feet. he threw the baby-bag onto his shoulder, watching as nick stood to. "leila, come on mi amor!"

the sound of giggling filled the parents' ears; but then again there were a ton of other kids who too roamed the park. both males turned their heads every which way, hoping to catch a glimpse of their daughter somewhere. immediately their chest began to beat fast when they couldn't see her anywhere. fear struck, edwin grasping hold of nick's upper arm.

"leila!" nick tried.

the two split to go in separate directions of the park. it was a bad choice when edwin was suddenly bombarded by multiple females walking up to him. they all had smiles plastered on their faces, phones clutched tightly in their hands as the camera app was already opened and ready to use.

"you're edwin from prettymuch! oh my god, i love you!" one of the girls shouted, forcing the others to erupt into fits of giggles. edwin gave a forced grin back, not even looking at the fans. he instead looked past them at the large play set. with all of the children who went up and down the playground, not one of them was his small daughter.

"look guys, i would love to stay and-" he was stopped by nick shouting out for him. all heads looked in his direction, a few even running over towards him instead.

"ed! i found her!"

edwin released a large breath, pushing past the plenty of teenage fans and jogging to catch up with nick. both parents and even the many girls made their way over towards an old woman who sat on a park bench. she was smiling as she fed a few birds, leila also throwing the small bits of bird seed down on the ground. but once she noticed her parents approach she smiled and climbed down from the bench. edwin didn't hesitate to pick her up into his arms and smother her in kisses.

"oh mami, don't you dare run off like that again" he cooed but then scolded at the same time. the little girl of course didn't really understand as she continued to smile and babble out sounds. nick steadied his own breathing as he wrapped the both of them in a hug. the fans who still stood by and watched, squealed at the adorable sight.


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𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now