where do they come from?

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where do they come from?

where do they come from?

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au one shot.
a short one shot.
requested by shortyjordy18


edwin placed a hand under his protruding stomach before carefully learning down to place a gentle kiss upon his son's forehead. it was going on eight o'clock, and the time was designated for the small seven year old to shut his eyes and sleep. he had school the next day and from experience, any later and the boy would throw a fit from how cranky he gets. edwin understood he got such problem from his other father zion.

the young boy watched his father slowly tuck him in. a smile then grew on his face when in entered his other parent. zion gave a wicked grin, providing a loud entrance to slightly scare edwin. while the son named noah kuwonu laughed from how his father jumped, edwin started to rant to zion about not doing such action again. the shorter male really seemed to have gotten upset, causing zion to wrap him in a comforting hug, lightly rubbing his hand around in circles over edwin's stomach. the gesture soothed him easily and he was once again calm. noah watched the two with confusion. when both adults faced their already growing child and gave their goodnights, they weren't able to get too far, noah was stopping them. they gave curious glances at each other before at their son.

"where do babies come from?"

the question threw the two for a loop. zion began to laugh while edwin almost choked.

"what?" edwin asked as if he didn't hear his kid.

"a girl in my class said a bird comes down from the sky and puts the baby on the porch in a basket" noah explained further. he sat up straight in his red race car bed and stared at his parents in the dimmed light that came from his night light not too far away. he was genuinely interested. especially after his parents said he would be a big brother.

"well she's wrong" zion blurts. "babies are actually the result of men shoving their di-"

edwin punching his lover in the arm was enough to stop zion from going any further. a deadly glare was being shot out at the taller as well, zion taking the hint and putting his hands up in surrender. edwin then went and sat beside his son, the little boy easily cuddling up beside his father. edwin's heart warmed at the action, only pulling him closer.

"babies don't come from the sky, mi amour" edwin started.

"then where?" noah asked. he removed his attention from edwin and towards zion who had grabbed a nearby desk chair and sat in front of his small family. he couldn't believe he was having this conversation so early in his son's life. it was absolutely hilarious though and he was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

"they come from their mommy's stomach" edwin then continued, noah glancing at edwin's very round figure. he even poked it, the two adults letting out a chuckle.

"how did the baby get in there? and how does it come out?"

"you're just full of questions tonight, huh?" zion blurts with a raised brow. noah gives a toothy grin, zion smiling back, it almost being a mirror reflection.

"well uh...i take a pill?" edwin speaks completely unsure. he looks at zion for help but the taller only shrugs. "the pill allows a baby to grow inside of me. and then after a few months a doctor helps take it out."

"can i take the pill when i'm a grown up like you?" noah then asks with small excitement. edwin and zion look at each with wide eyes and a hint of nervousness.

"no, mi amour" edwin replies gently. noah frowned a little.

"and before you ask why, it's bed time" zion quickly jumps in. noah groans while throwing himself back on his bed. edwin giggled, tucking him in for the second time that night. he placed one more tender kiss to his cheek, then stepping to the side and allowing zion to give his small sign of affection. it wasn't much considering him and his son had a hand shake instead. and every time they did it, edwin would only roll his eyes in admiration.

"night kid" zion says quietly with a wink. noah smiles in return, watching as both of his parents leave the room.


oh goodness this was probably ass.


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