9. Girlfriend

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jack and i have been friends for as long as i can remember. and over that time period, i've grew a small crush on him. fine, maybe bigger crush on him.

we always hung out, had loads of fun, sleepovers, and it was just chill between us. until he introduced his new girlfriend. yes, girlfriend. he's mentioned her now and then, i chose to listen sometimes. i didn't think they would be serious.

but i was wrong.

i heard on a knock on the door. i knew it was jack because we were supposed to have a movie night.

i answered it. i see him, and a brunette. she looked familiar, not that i seem to care who she was.

i gave him a confused look, i didn't think he was gonna have an extra guest, could've texted. i open the door wider letting the two in, this was gonna be awkward.

it was silent at first.

"well?" i said kind of irritated. i tried to make it seem like i wasn't irritated, but i was.

"this is my girlfriend, madison." she was pretty. brunette, beautiful brown eyes, her nose was cute. she looked a little young for him, but apparently that's his thing. ( a/n; i only said this because of the kiss, marry, kill video lol)

she was perfect for him. it made me reconsider, how i dress, how i talk, walk, she made me start to feel insecure.

i stuck my hand out.

"nice to meet you." i said with a pleasantly fake smile. she shook my hand back. she looked innocent. she couldn't be. there's something about her, it just doesn't feel right.

maybe that's jealousy. or just maybe, my gut feeling is right.

"so, movie night is a no then?" i said looking at jack kind of hurt. he slowly nods his head.

"i'll make it up to you." he said with his stupid cute pleading eyes. was he really? or was he gonna ghost me? this is jack's first actual real girlfriend. no telling what she do? maybe she'll want him away from me.

"yeah, you will." i say with a fake smile. she was gonna take him away from me. i hated the thought of that.

"i just wanted to tell you in person, than text." again another fake smile. god, i was hurt. maybe i should have told him from the start. it wouldn't have to be this way, and we still have our movie night.

i sound crazy. maybe i shouldn't be acting like this. he'll make this up.

"well, we have dinner planned, so we'll be leaving." he said awkwardly.

"yeah, don't let me hold you up." i smile, and as you know it, it was a faked one.

i let them leave. i watch out of my kitchen window. i felt the urge to cry. i trued keeping it together. i watched him open the car door for her. he walked around the car, stopping halfway. he turns to look at me.

he stare for a good 45 seconds. you could see the sadness in my eyes. i turn not being able to stare no longer. i knew that was probably the last time i'll see him.


a couple months pass, no word from jack, contact. nothing. i knew it.

i had to go out and make more friends since i was a loner. i did. i hang with them sometimes. but most of them time, i'm lonely.

i haven't attempted to move on over jack, he's like a childhood teddy bear you can't let go of it.

i was just about to start my movie, when i heard a knock on the door. very rare. i mean very rare. i open the door to see his face. i wanted to be angry, but i couldn't. it was like i found my long lost childhood teddy bear.

i didn't say anything, i just let him in.

he steps closer to me, he holds my face, and kisses me. yes, he kissed me. and i don't know how to feel. did i kiss him back?

no, because it happened all so fast. i had to take a step back.

"your confused." i said. i knew he was. he had to be. in no universe he would like me. i was different from him. i didn't think he would try different.

"i'm not. i've been right about my feelings the whole time." he smiles with his beautiful smile.

"i'm confused," i want to say more but what can i say?

"i've had a crush on you for a long time. but it seemed like you never returned those feelings, i guess? so, i moved on. but it wasn't really one of my best choices. she was jealous of you. so, that's why we haven't seen each other." i thought my feelings were obvious this whole time. obviously not.

"well, lucky for you. i've liked you for a long time as well." i blush a little.

at this point we didn't know what to do. it was kind of awkward. so i decided to make the first move. i hugged him.

and he hugged me back. dreams do come true?

"be my girlfriend?" he asked me. with no hesitation,

"i'll be your girlfriend."

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