11. Lost Ring

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shit, shit, shit, shit.

i lost my wedding ring. thinking about it brings me back to the time we got married. a story for another time, because i lost my fucking ring.

jack is gonna kill me. i thought about were i last left it.

i was washing my hands, and i had taken my ring off because i don't want to slip off my finger and down the drain.

i look everywhere around the sink. it's no where. i'm gonna have a heart attack.

i call my sister mia, to help me find my ring. because if i'm looking for it myself, i will lose my mind.

mia came asap. luckily jack wasn't here right now.

"where's the last place you had it?" she asked me.

"i had it by the sink where i had taken it off to wash my hands." i responded anxiously.

all i could hear jack say,

'that ring was so expensive, and you can't even keep up with it.' i see the face he's making. disappointed. my heart sinks just by thinking the thought of it.

"well, it's not over here." i slide down the wall. and put my head in between my knees.

i have the urge to cry, but i'm gonna pull it together.

i'm gonna keep looking until i can't find it anymore. and if i have to hide it from jack, i will. i would hate doing it but, whatever it takes.

i ended up going 2 days without my ring. that's a long time, it felt weird. but i think me keeping it hidden, is saving time?

jack's pov

2 days ago.

i was washing the dishes after having dinner with my beautiful wife.

i notice she didn't have her ring on. and also notice she was trying to hide it from me. did she lose it?

i see something shine in the corner of my eye. her ring.

i smirk to myself thinking i could play with her for a little bit. see if she would confess to her missing ring. i grab it and hide it in the draw closest to me.


she has yet to confess to her missing ring. so i decided to bring it up when we were watching a movie together.

"y/n?" she turns her attention to me. she has a worried expression on her face.

"where's your wedding ring?"

he's on to me. i know he is. he knows. jack knows.

i had my attention turned to jack after he called my name.

"where's your wedding ring?" shit. he knows. but for how long?

i smile. very fake. by the way. i tried to come up with something. i squint my eyes.

"it is cold in here." i rub shoulders hopefully it gave me a littlw fake warmth. i stood up to check on the ac. which didn't need to be checked up on but, i had to get away from all this pressure.

"y/n?" he said in a soft stern voice. i act like i can't hear him. i see him peep around the corner which me jump.

"oh, my god. jack you scared me. you know what, i am tired. and i should go to bed." hopefully this gives me more time to find my ring so i can answer his questions.

i walk towards the stair case.

"i know you lost it." he said. i stopped. i turned. he seemed like he knew more.

"jack where's my ring?" i raised my eyebrow. i tried make this situation as i just didn't lose it and that jack stole it from me.

"don't do that." he said. i made it seem like i was confused.

"do what, exactly?" i cross my arms and stand in a stance with my leg popped out, while i'm sitting on my right hip.

"make it seem like i lost your ring while you lost it yourself." i groan. i felt the tears rush in.

"jack, i am so irresponsible. i lost the ring okay. is that what you wanted to hear? i lost the ring." tears came down my face but i wasn't crying. i felt his hand cup my face. he wipes my tears and starts smirking.

he reaches in his back pocket. my ring! i attempt to grab but he's quick and pulls it back. i gave him the 'are you fucking serious right now' look.

"where was it?" i ask.

"kitchen sink on the side." oohhhhh.

"better be lucky i found this, this ring is very-" i cut him off.

"very expensive. yes i know. you remind me everytime." i slightly smirk. he kisses me on my forehead.

"can i have my ring now?" i said pouting like a 6 year old.

"oh, no. you have to earn this back." he said smirking.

"what do i have to do to earn it back?" he has this devilish smile.

"maybe we can this to the bedroom, and you can satisfy some of my needs." he said in a low deep voice, while smirking.

"yeah, you might as well keep the ring for yourself then."

"that's cold, baby." he made me cringe.

he swoops me off my feet. i get shocked by the fast and unprepared actions. he runs up the stairs and into our bedroom, throwing me on the bed. (a/n: nothing dirty is gonna happen 😳)

i was giggling the whole way up the steps.

"mr. gilinsky? don't you think you're forgetting something. i raise my left hand up. i wave it around. like beyoncé in her single ladies music video.

he places the ring on my left index finger.

"not a single lady anymore." he gives me a small peck.

"i love you mr. gilinsky." i smile, playing with his hair.

"i love you too, mrs. gilinsky."

i giggle as we begin to start a night of fun.

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