Chapter 12

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Your P.O.V.

We've ventured into town again in search of Green. Though I have my eyes open to see if I can say 'hi' to Jeaha today. I yawn still haven't caught up with my z's. Staring blankly ahead with my hands rested behind my head

I catch Beanpole shudder from the corner of my eye. Did he get sick or something? He's been shivering like that randomly ever since last night

"Is something wrong?" Yona notices and asks Beanpole "Nothing..." I'm not all that convinced as it looks like he's seen a ghost

"Let's try that way" Boy genius points and the princess agrees. I chew up the inside of my bottom lip


"We left Shinha waiting again by himself. Let's find the Green Dragon quickly"

Yeah, he was sulking quite a bit. He sat by a tree slumped over moping when we left

"Kija, where's the Green Dragon" The princess asks looking at him from over her shoulder. Her hood blocking half of her face in that angle "I think he's in town, but he's very fast and won't hold still"

A vase flies out of a window in front of us and many yells pour out of the house. I go up and peer in from the window, the officers are beating up a family. My nails dig into my palm, Yun places a hand on my shoulder. I hadn't been aware of the steps I'd taken toward the door

"Let me go" I say firmly but his grip tightens. I shake him off roughly and take another step forward I'll tear them to pieces! Hak grabs my forearm and I look up at him angrily. He does the same and we have a light stare down. I rip my arm out of his hand and storm off around the corner of the building across the house. They follow and Yun scolds us all, I only cross my arms and lean against the wall glaring at the house's window

"Do you circus freaks understand your circumstances?" He says calmly yet still irritated. Kija goes to cut in "I heard rumors that Kum-ji's ship was sunk by the pirates yesterday, so the officers are irritated. I know how you feel, but we need to stay quiet for now" the brunet continues

"See, they're gone now" Yun retaliates and I grumble a small 'whatever' under my breath as I glare at the back of their heads "Let's go" we all follow after Yun

"Huh" I hum looking at a board with more wanted posters snickering "I'm going off on my own. Take care of the princess" Beanpole sees them too and runs off leaving everyone confused

"Huh? Wait, Lightning Beast!" Yun calls after him but he keeps jogging "What got into him?" I snicker again pointing at the board and they follow until they see it. I glance at the rest then see one of Jeaha I still need to say 'hi'!

"Wait Beanpole!" He's already long gone but I run off in the direction he left. The princess calls after me "I need to look for someone still. I'll be back!" I call out breaking into a jog

I think it was this way. Darn I should've just gone with him. Whatever

I stop jogging and look around

It doesn't take long before I see him and Jeaha? They're sitting by a little fire burning paper it seems Probably their wanted posters I snort at the thought. I run in and tackle Jeaha into a hug nearly pushing him into the fire

He's surprised and nearly pushes me off thinking I'm an officer or something. Then he sees my face, the look of pure shock soon turns to joy making me giggle. "Been a while huh Hentai-kun" I beam letting go

"Hentai-kun? That's a little harsh don't you think; (Y/n) darling~" He fakes a pout but seems to be enjoying himself

"Are you not a pervert?" I retort smugly; he flips his hair dramatically, then it looks like a light bulb was lit in his brain "Oh yeah! You!" he points at Beanpole "I almost forgot what I came for. I came to find you." I tilt my head curiously at what business he could have with Beanpole

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