Chapter 17

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Your P.O.V.

"Hurry up!" I roll my eyes at all the yelling. Loading was my least favorite part of living on sea. As I'd mentioned before, I'd lived with these particular pirates beforehand. And stocking up was probably my least favorite part about it

"Watch where you're going!" I growl as the person behind me nudges me with the create they're carrying. My own load wobbling slightly at the impact

"Sorry!" They respond from behind the boxes. I sigh and move up the ramp to load up the create and bag in my arms. I then go out to get another few things to help out when I pass by her royal highness trying to pick up some bags. Kija intervenes and takes what she was trying to pick up. I chuckle at the scene and move on to the boxes that are left by her side

"Excuse me, your royal highness" I give her a nod as I grab the box next to her and hoist it up on my shoulder. She stares with wide, star struck eyes. I chuckle and ruffle her hair. I rush to load the last of my boxes on the ship so I can go nap somewhere

When I do set the last of my load on the ship I stretch and take my time to exit the ship. On my way out I bump into someone "Oh! My bad" I step back and look up to see Beanpole "Oh, it's just you" I grumble looking to the side, trying to avoid looking at his face

"Hey" I kept my gaze fixed on the tent where the rest of the supplies that hadn't been loaded were. "(Y/n)" I refused to look at him so he sighed and used his index finger to push under my chin and guide my head to face him. Though I still refused to look directly at his eyes and just let my eyes wander around his face looking at his features "(N/n), please" I nipped at my bottom lip

The way he said my nickname and how he pleaded made me weak in the knee. But I was stubborn. He sighed again and before I knew it my cheek stung with the sensation of pinching "H-hey!" I gasp, my eyes shooting to meet his. That stupid grin that showed how pleased he was with himself made me press my lips into a thin line. Well the best thin line I could manage with him pulling at my cheek the way he was "Shap!" I growl

My brows furrow and all of last night's frustration and irritation hit me at once. My chest bubbles with the feeling of desperation. My breath quickens and my whole body feels numb with the slight pricking of anxiety spreading everywhere. My head swirls with every problem leading up to this. Just like that, I'm overwhelmed with everything

I smack his hand away and push him aside in an instant and storm past him. My feet pick up speed and before I know it I'm running as fast as my feet can carry me. Everything around me blurs into nothing but murky swabs of the word as I rush past the camp and into a secluded clearing by a cliff. The salt pricks my nostrils. It stings

My nose stings and so do my feet and my chest and my everything. What is wrong with me? It repeats in my head once or twice before it escapes my lips in the form of a soft murmur "What is wrong with me?!" I repeat, asking the ocean desperately; like if it could give me an answer

"Nothing is wrong with you child" I flinch at the stern voice who's grown motherly over the years. My knees buckle and I collapse to the floor. Tears stinging my eyes as I cling desperately to myself. She comes closer and kneels next to me pulling me close. I bury my face into her shoulder "I'm sorry- I just- I'm sorry" she pats my head soothingly

"It's okay, it's okay" her voice is soft and gentle as she drags her hand down the back of my head in a comforting manor

I hiccup sadly "Two weeks and I'm already a mess" She sighs and keeps patting my back and head soothingly. It's a while before I'm calm enough to return to the loading site. Yun is done treating the wounded and has moved on to starting lunch. I walk past the cave he's working in and then go up to a bush by a hill where I begin to look for Hak to apologize

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