I wish i could love you chapter 1

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Dave's POV

I got home from school and bro was at work so I was alone. I went up stairs to work on some raps or maybe play some call of duty until bro got home to make dinner. I was up stairs for about an hour until *ding dong* "huh? maybe bros home and forgot his key again." I walk down stairs and open the door "hey bro what's for di-" I look around and see a guy running away with strange glasses on like the kind you use to watch old 3-D movies. I look down and see a small box on the door mat. Not quite a shoe box more of a box you would put a coffee mug in,very small. It had a few holes poked in the top. By the time I was done examining the box the strange guy was a speck in the distance. By how fast he was running what Evers in the box can't be good. Suddenly I started hearing whining coming from the box. sounded like a puppy but more human like. I grab the box without looking inside and ran up to my room trying not to rattle whatever was in the box. I get to my room and lock the door behind me as quick as I could. I sit on my bed and slowly open the box."WHAT THE!" There was a little troll in the box. I wasn't surprised that he was a troll. I mean I go to school with trolls,its just he was so SMALL. Just then he looks up at me smiles.

(Hey peeps only gonna make another chapter If I get a comment saying so

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