I dont know

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Tiny Karkats point of view
Time: BEFORE karkat got placed on the door step

I'm sitting in my small box when I here the door open 'sollux!!' I turned to see my creator with a awful scowl on his face. He slowly approached me towering over me with that hatred look.
"Time to go KK." with out anytime to even give what he said a second thought he picked me up placing me in another small box with air holes in it.
And closes it with me inside. I start getting scared (I don't like the dark very much) I feel the box being lifted ,footsteps ,a door opening then closing. I didn't on't know what time it but what ever time it was it was freezing good thing I had my cancer symbol sweater. "!!" The box I was in was roughly more like dropped down. next I here a far off *ding dong* then footsteps quickly leaving ' what's going on?' The door then opens with an unfamiliar voice say "oh hey bro what for- . then everything is quiet the air holes were to small for me to see what was going on. I'm then lifted again and shaken quiet a bit [i think I was going up some stairs] then I hear a door open and slam. there was no light seeping through the air holes so my box was pitch black it was starting to get to me so I start whimpering. the box is then opened the room I was in was very dark it was hard for me eyes adjust. I then see a large figure looking down at me ' IT MUST BE SOLLUX!!' I then hold out my hands hoping for my creator to pick me up. and he did!! 'Yay'. when I'm closer to him I see that he isn't sollux some weird blonde guy in sunglasses. I then panic a tad and bite his finger. out of surprise he drops me in his 'ow'. then a bigger blonde guy in weird sunglasses burst through the door I'm then stuffed in the small blondes hoodie pocket ' oh no another dark place!!' I'm freaking out so much I don't even hear what there talking about. I start biting on the guys fingers in attempt oh him letting me out hey starts so tense up but after a door slams he calms down. and slowly pulls me out of his pocket while I'm still biting his finger and stares at me while saying " your all ready beginning to be a lot of trouble." ' who the h*ll is this guy'.

Yeah so here's another chapter sorry it sucked so much you guys probably don't even want me to continue either way it's your call that I should or not
See you guys later I guess
By the way just in case you didnt know ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
^^^ These mean there thinking lil karkat technically hasn't said a word
K l8tr

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