Bad Blood

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"Well that's the thing," Megan paused and exhaled, "we ended it over the break, to much for us to handle plus with all the projects coming up, there is no time for um...relationships." I sighed at the facts brought up, but that still doesn't mean that I'm not finding them in 2 days. As I start to clean up the intercom starts to speak.

 "Hello classes remember that Valentines Day is coming up and there will be a dance that Friday so pick up your tickets, maybe some of you will even find your soulmate," Hmm no shit. I sigh and think of all the possible candidates for this, but then I realize something. I'm in in one the most well known "gangs" in this school. Whatever happens I know something will go wrong. I walk out of the locker room and right into someone, again. I look up to see my worst nightmare.

"Really first Acacia now my you whore what the hell is wrong with you," Madison yells in my direction to not only draw attention towards herself, but to most likely make me look bad. I sigh blowing my puffy hair out of my face to glare at her and the people who are helping her, all guys of course.

"Hey nerd you got something to say," one boy says to me, he's most likely on the basket ball team. I stand up after I gather my things only to be stopped by the guy and his squad...who are all wearing soccer jerseys. Eh, Close enough. As they corner me into a mush pot I was saved by a hand placed onto the shoulder of the ring leader.

"Look I don't want blood on my hands and you don't miss your whole season so why don't you get your hands off of my Beta. "The whole hallway went dead silent and this tension rose as I knew who it was and was thankful for it.

"Who the hell thinks they can threaten me like th-" He turned from his position in the circle to meet a fist. As he fell to the floor the others backed away and I looked up to Paice in shock and thanking her silently. In under a minuet Madison was by my feet at the head of boy.

"What the hell is your issue," she yelled at her, "oh my god you broke his nose,  you broke my brother's nose." We started walking away until I  hear what she said. I pivoted on my foot to face her with horror written on my face and the only thing I can do, run. In a rush I grab Paice's hand and book it.

We run out of the building and into the courtyard and out the gate to the parking lot. Thanking the fact I was on track team because keeping up with Paice is impossible. We get to her car and I run to the passengers side and stop looking passed her shoulder to the entrance of the school only to meet eyes with the vice dean,  who then spotted us.

"I got it come on sweetie," she says and I don't hesitate to follow her action. I put my seat belt on my wasting no time,  she takes off out of the lot,  passed the dean, Madison and some of the crowd. 

"One things for sure," I started to her taking deep breaths.

"What,"  she replies going to our spot.
"We are in deep shit trouble." I sigh and look at my clock and I think, it doesn't matter who my mate is,  as long as they are not friends with Madison.

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