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| kennadybrant |

the drive home was pretty silent cause jack is still upset over me calling him out

the dinner was pretty good and it's great that jack is getting back into his music

as we pull into the driveway, my phone starts to vibrate

nathan maloley 😩 is calling...

{ accept } { decline }

"hey, how are you?" i ask him

"what the fuck is up with jack" he asks

i get out of the car and jack slams his door again. at this rate, the door is gonna fall off

"um.. not really sure, you probably just pissed him off cause it was a dinner for business" i shrug and go to the front door

jack goes to the backyard and slams the gate behind him

i unlock the front door, take off my shoes and lay myself on the couch. "he's sensitive remember, so you can't just say anything you want"

"i don't care, im gonna say whatever the hell i want to say so tell your bitch ass boyfriend that" skate sounds high but upset at the same time

"just ignore him, he's just snaps easily" i turn on the tv and go through the channels

"well tell him to watch what he says before i actually go over there and beat his ass" the call drops, signaling that skate hung up the phone

i check the time on my phone and it's 9pm

i go upstairs to take a shower that's when my phone rings again

this time it's jack

"why the hell is he calling me if he's right outside" i groan to myself

i pick up the phone. "what?"

"come outside and swim with me"

"it's 9pm, why would i go swimming? and it's not like the waters even warm" i roll my eyes and walk back downstairs

"fine" jack huffs. "we'll go in the hot tub and i'm not taking no for an answer"

with that, jack hangs up the phone

it's better not to piss him off and i just go outside. he has his shirt off and he took off his pants

"what?" i cross my arms. "are we going skinny dipping"

"no, just take off your shit and get in" he smiles

i do as im told, im surprised the sun hasn't set yet and it looks beautiful

"the sun is really pretty tonight" i comment

jack chuckles. "not as fucking pretty as you"

@jackgilinsky: this sexy piece of ass is mine 🤤

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@jackgilinsky: this sexy piece of ass is mine 🤤

[ tagged: kennadybrant ]

liked by kennadybrant, kendallbrant, brennen and 702,947 others


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@gilinskyjack: i might have to unstan since he's labeling her as a "piece of ass". what type of boyfriend does that 🤢

@madsken: huh?? piece of ass?? how fucking rude

@skatemaloley: she's not a piece of property jack, she's a fucking woman. treat her like one
                 @mikaylakyle: periodtt
                 @kennadybrant: i didnt even know he took this picture lmao
                  @jackxken: stop making it into a fucking joke, hope he abuses you since you love being a piece of ass

@skathan: i really think jack and skate have some beef doing down somewhere

@maggielindemann: kennady is pretty but she's not your property jack

@jackgilinsky: lmao everyone shut the fuck up, she's my girlfriend, not yours and she loves being handled by me

@rickeythompson: i im sorry but who's gonna tell him

"really jack, really" i instantly get out of the water when i see people's reaction

he looks at me like nothing's wrong

"people fucking think that you manhandle me and i'm ok with it" i kick water at him and he grabs my ankle and drags me back in the water

he catches me before my head slips under water and he wraps his hand around my throat and kisses me

"so you're tell me that you don't like this?" he questions and kisses me again. "you don't fucking love me?"

i close my eyes so i don't start crying. jack continues speaking

"i fucking love you, id die for you and you're worried about people's comments and opinions?" he starts to raise his voice and tighten his grip. "who gives a shit what they think cause you're my girlfriend and it shouldn't matter to them"

i open my eyes and he smiles at me. "you're mine and that's all that matter babe"

i kiss him just to make sure he isn't mad at me then i get out of the pool again

i walk inside and grab a towel then i start crying

why did i settle for this? i know im worth more than this relationship

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