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jack and i are upset with each other cause we're on no talking terms but i could care less

madison has been trying to reach out to me but i know longer give a fuck about her

ana is really trying to test me and she's acting like she's the queen or whatever but little does she know that i've slept with skate on multiple occasions, some being while they were together and others not

"baby please fucking talk to me or i'll shoot you in the head" jack threatens

i turn around and look at him. "go ahead, fucking do it. at least i won't have to deal with your bullshit anymore"

he knows he has the capability to shoot my but he won't actually do it cause i'm his girlfriend

i leave the house and drive over to skates place

i really don't care whether ana is there. i ring the doorbell 3 times and johnson answers the door

"where's skate?" i ask

johnson gives me a confused look but answers the question. "upstairs in his room. ana went out with her friend to get her nails done"

i nod my head and invite myself in

i go upstairs and straight into skates room and he's scrolling through his phone

i jump on the bed and start kissing him. a couple seconds into the kiss, he stops me

"what's wrong?" he asks

"just shut up and kiss me" i push his head onto the bed and reattach my lips to his

he grabs my waist then i stop him and open his drawer

2 freshly rolled blunts are laying there with a lighter beside it. i smile and take them out

i pass one to him and then light mine

skate chuckles. "you know exactly what you want when you come here"

i nod my head yes and kiss him again while i straddle his pelvis


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@kennadybrant: rawr xD 🤑

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@kennadybrant: rawr xD 🤑. who's that? oh, it's your boyfriend 😻 @ana_montana

[ tagged: skatemaloley, ana_montana ]

liked by skatemaloley, stassiebaby, kendallbrant and 1,000,027 others


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@bretmanrock: bitch you bold bold 🤑🤑

@skatemaloley: ahhhh relax, you should have cropped me out 🥴🥴

@holymaloley: oh so they fuckin?
                        @kennadybrant: lmao no, we just smoked and chilled
                        @tez: thats not what the moans from upstairs said

@ana_montana: you're a fucking bitch
                        @kennadybrant: guilty as charged ☺️
                        @ughkennady: you're really asking for an ass whoppin
                         @kennadybrant: already got 2 from jack and nathan 🥴

@anaisbae: you're a hoeeeee

@jackgilinsky: damn baby, please i'm sorry. just please come home
                        @wehatekennadybrant: he ain't even acting like he's mad i'm hollering

@ughkennady: kennady brant is now officially slut 2000, battrys included

"baby, you're not supposed to tell everyone that we fucked" he says as he buries his head in my boobs

"hmm ok then" i get out of the bed and throw my shit on

"text me later" i smile before leaving the room

i go downstairs and see tez watching tv

"tell ana that i want to fight her" i say boldly

tez nods his head. i put on my shoes and get in my car


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@kenlizbrat: what jack is gonna do to me since i "cheated"

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@kenlizbrat: what jack is gonna do to me since i "cheated"

liked by skatemaloley, madisonbeer, rickeythompson and 1803 others


@moneykourt: no he isn't lmao
                     @kenlizbrat: trust me, you don't know him. he has a whole different side to him lmao

@skatemaloley: heyyyyy, that first picture isn't of us 😤😤

@kennadybear: who cares, everyone cheats

@jacknkennady: babes, stay strong. plus, if he uses a gun against you, you can call the cops

@madisonbeer: he's not gonna kill you
                       @kenlizbrat: yeah not physically but he will lmao

@rickeythompson: babygirl you're strong, don't let the bitch touch you

i arrive at home and jack is sitting at the doorstep

"jack?" i ask. "what are you doing outside?"

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