thirty seven

687 15 5

+ a month later

i decided to take a break off social media because of the kids and because of jack and i

we're going through lots of issues and it doesn't help that matthew and matteo need attention 24/7

every time we try to talk, it ends up in an argument because of lack of communication

i hate myself for saying this but these kids weren't apart of my plan of being a model and it's not like jack wants them


i get out of bed for the third time today to go see the boys because someone is crying

jacks out the bed as usual and i roll my eyes

it's so annoying that he's not here to take care of his own kids

he said he wanted them but he isn't acting like it

i go into the boys room and see that it's matthew crying again

he's definitely gonna be a crybaby when he grows up which isn't good. matteo is more of a chill baby while matthew needs 24 hour attention

i take matthew out the crib and bring his downstairs to make him a bottle

as i go downstairs, i see jack smoking a blunt with skate on the kitchen island

"these kids are fucking stressful man" jack sighs. "can't take this shit no more"

skate chuckles. "if this was a random hoe, id say leave but this is kennady brant we're talking about and you don't break her heart"

"if you break up with her, you're missing out but if she breaks up with you, you're still missing out"

i smile at the compliment

"good morning to you too stoners" i make my presence known when i go to the kitchen

skate chuckles and jack stays silent

"you're up early" skate states

i start prepping the bottle with matthew on my hip. "well when you have kids to take care of, you kinda of have to"

i don't smile when i make the statement but they don't notice anyways

i finish making the bottle and feed it to matthew as he fuses quietly

skate then says "i want kids but i don't know man, i'm not sure i can be awake this early in the morning everyday"

i laugh. "it's ok, the guys barely help with the kids anyways"

my comment was targeted to jack and he gives me a look like "stop being such a bitch"

"guys don't do anything with the kids and as they get older, they'll be more lazy and miss out on opportunities with the kids" i sigh. "such a shame"

"shut the fuck up, that's not true" jack yells

"yo chill" skate speaks up

"ok why the fuck are you even talking, you're clearly trying to hit on my fucking girlfriend you punk ass bitch" jack says again

i roll my eyes. "well he would probably be a better father than you're acting right now"

jacks face instantly turns red. he then pulls out a gun from the waistband of his jeans and points it at skate

i scream and skate hops off the chair and raises is hands

all the commotion scares matthew and he starts crying again

"stay the fuck away from me and kennady. i fucking swear if i see you anywhere near this property, i will blow your brains out your fucking head!" he screams

i'm crying for whatever reason and so is matthew

"ok i'll leave" skate says. he then looks at me and then baby. "and take care of your fucking family and control your anger issues"

skate leaves through the front door and jack puts his gun away

he looks at me and gives me a disgusted face. "wipe your fucking tears and get upstairs"

that's when i break

i'm done. i'm fucking done. i can't deal with jack anymore and i can't deal with him making me feel like a piece of shit

i storm upstairs still holding matthew

i pack some bags of clothes for me and the 2 kids then throw them downstairs

i then get the kids dressed into something comfortable and bring them downstairs in their car seats

i'm moving out

i'm leaving jack and i'm moving out

i'll take the kids with me and run away

i quickly throw everything in the car and buckle the kids in the car and drive away

lol this may suck but i was seriously just trying to publish something for y'all. and thanks for my 20k reads then this book should be flopping 🥴💞🥰. anyways yeah keep reading, more coming soon

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