twenty six

981 14 1

+ the next day

i was supposed to go to stassie's house today but today is the day that jack goes to court

i've been up for hours and nows the time where i start getting ready

@kennadybrant: his favorite color on me and his good luck charm

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@kennadybrant: his favorite color on me and his good luck charm

liked by skatemaloley, stassiebaby, madisonbeer and 1,000,108 others


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@babygirlkennady: 🤤🤤🥀

@jennady: ❤️❤️

@stassiebaby: you should have told me, i would have came 🥺

@21jacks: #freeupgilinsky

@littlekennady: we love you and he'll be out before you know it

@skatemaloley: pray he doesn't have a long sentence
                        @holymaloley: not sure if that's sarcasm or being genuine

@madisonbeer: love you babes
                        @moneykourt: she doesn't wanna be associated with you anymore so fuck off
                        @lovelyjacks: periodtt

im sitting with johnson and few other people at the court. more than half the seats are empty because i didn't want too many people coming

jack comes from the back room and when he sees me, he smiles

"i like that color on you" he whispers as he sits down in front of me

the judge starts to speak. "after weeks of researching, there has been an insufficient amount of evidence to prove that jack was an accessory to the murder of analicia chaves. but after cooperating with the police on the case, he not an accessory but did threaten analicia with a gun"

the judge shuffles through his papers. "though the body hasn't been found, jack will still be considered as an accessory but someone else may have had an ulterior motive to be the accessory of jack which means since analicia threatened jack, someone wanted to get back at her for it"

"until analicia's body is found, jack will be charged with being the accessory of an accessory and stay in prison for one month. case closed" the judge hits down his javelin

one month. 30 days, it's not that long

"i love you" jack says as the guards take him back

"i love you too" i say back

i then turn to johnson and smile. "it's only one month, i can totally deal with that"

"yeah me too" johnson responds. "i just hope this doesn't throw jacks career of track"

johnson and i get up. "it's fine because he's a celebrity, everyone has to love him"

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