thirty one

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+ 2 days later

"baby, are you sure you want to do this?" i ask jack

he's ready to make a statement but now that i think about it, it could backfire because one: people could start hating on swazz and skate and two: there's a 50/50 chance that no one will believe him because he was the only one that got arrested in this case

"yes, and i don't care what hate or death threats that are gonna come for me" he smile and gives me a kiss then processed to post his explanation

@jackgilinsky: haha i haven't been on this account in so long but thanks for showing support but commenting on my old pictures saying how much you missed me and stuff

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@jackgilinsky: haha i haven't been on this account in so long but thanks for showing support but commenting on my old pictures saying how much you missed me and stuff. anyways, straight to the point, i was falsely accused of murder. the judge and court knew that but without pure proof that someone else did it, i had to be locked. it was only for a month so not that long but it was pretty depressing. 2 people came forward, admitting to killing ana but they didn't arrest the 2 individuals because they couldn't find a body but their story fit the timeline. all this drama and whatnot was super unnecessary but they are just following the law. since i'm not a murder, that arrest will not be on my record and they're gonna try their hardest to find the body to prove that i'm innocent ❤️. until then, everyone should just sit back and wait for the police to do their job and be respectful so do not send death threats to me or the 2 suspects if you find out who they are because at the end of the day, the accused can't be proven guilty until evidence is shown. i'll try my best to answer some questions in the comments. have a nice day

liked by skatemaloley, jswazz, kennadybrant and 1,000,837 others


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@21jacks: why didn't you release their names if they were the murders? don't you want to get justice against them  
                     @jackgilinsky: i didn't release any names because i understand why they did it. they already fessed up to doing and now it's the laws job to handle the rest

@babygirlkennady: i'm so glad you're out babes 💞 anyways, are we gonna get some new music now? 
                         @jackgilinsky: yeah i'm glad i'm back too. as for music, i'm gonna be putting it on hold so i can focus and kennady and i
                        @jacknjack: damn, but jack isn't jack without jack or his music 😫

@stassiebaby: 💛💛

@cindykimberly: this is a risky question but why did they 2 people kill ana?
                          @kennadybrant: ask your best friend madison 😘
                        @jackgilinsky: to protect an individual and an "in the of the heat of the moment" hate decision
                        @tropicalmeb: wth does madison have to do with this?

@kenxjack: are you and kenny gonna have an kids soon? kennadys modelling career is starting to pop off now
                         @jackgilinsky: depends on what the future holds

@honeymb: your loser ass deserved to be arrested. i'm still not over the break up between you and mads
                        @jackgilinsky: haha then i guess your the only one holding a grudge

@skatemaloley: glad your out brother 👍

haha thanks for 4k babes
sorry i haven't been active but i just moved across the country and i'm tryna get settled

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