twenty seven

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+ 10 days later | 20 days till jacks release

i've finally decided to confront madison about why she was acting the way she was when she found out that jack got arrested

i invited her over and just throw some sweats and a crop top. i do my makeup and go downstairs to make some breakfast

i haven't really gone shopping since jack got arrested cause of my loss of appetite and the fact that i'm always over at someone else's house

there isn't much except for a fruit bowl and other things here and there

i take out the fruit bowl because im not really that hungry

as i snack on a piece of watermelon, the door bell rings

it's obviously madison because i didn't invite any other visitors

"it's open" i yell and the door opens

madison walks in wearing some high waisted jeans with a white crop tip and a white bomber jacket halfway zipped up

her phone is in her hand and she places it on the glass coffee table and sits in front of the flat screen tv

"how was your morning?" i ask, engaging in conversation while still eating my fruit bowl

"i really want to be friends with you" she whines. madison's eyes start to water. "i promise i didn't do anything to jack. that wasn't why i was crying that day"

wow i didn't even bring up the murder situation yet and she's already balling her eyes out to me. shocking

"then why were you crying?" i finish the last fruit which was a cube of mango and put the glass bowl in the sink

madison takes a deep breath in. "you're probably gonna be super upset about this but jack has nothing to do with the murder but zack did"

i take a minute to process this information. i don't snap yet. jack was in a vulnerable position so that's what made him an easy target

"nate and ana got into an arguement the night he found out that she threatened you with a gun" madison starts. "ana took her car and drove off but nate being the boyfriend he is, he got someone to follow her and that was swazz"

i've heard about swazz once or twice but i've never had a full conversation with him

"ana stopped at someone's house and it was a guy because as she pulled in the driveway, the guy walked out and went into her car. swazz didn't know what to do so he called for help and called zack"

wait what the hell? zack and swazz know each other? why didn't he call sammy or johnson or something

"i dropped zack off and then went back home and zack got in the car with swazz. he had a gun with him but i never knew that so i was surprised when i found out"

this is a lot of information to take in

i stop madison and rub my temples. jack is fucking sitting in that cell, rotting for nothing

"just get to the fucking point madison" i raise my voice

she panics. "ok so basically ana fucked the guy and we told skate. he said he doesn't give a fuck and wants to get rid of her but he only said that in the heat of the moment but swazz and zack didn't know that so as ana left the guys house, she took a weird route to go to her next destination. it was like an abandoned highway so swazz ran her off the road"

"she hit her head pretty hard so she was confused when she saw swazz and zack. they got her out the car and shot her three times. one for skate, one for you and one for jack"

holy fuck, what the hell is going on?

"wait so who shot her?" i ask

"zack" she replies. "which explains why i was crying to him because what if he gets caught but they said that they hid her in the river near where the ran her off the road and then set her car on fire"

are you fucking kidding me? "are you fucking kidding me?" i get up and yell. "my boyfriend has been sitting in rotting in jail because he's being charged for being an accessory for zack and swazz who were accessories to skate. my baby didn't do anything, what the fuck is wrong with you"

i slap her across the face as hard as i can and she starts crying. i continue yelling at her. "why the fuck are you crying?! your boyfriend is a fucking free man while my innocent boyfriend didn't do shit to be sitting in that cell. that will scar him for the rest of his life! how am i supposed to get the same jack back?! huh? fucking tell me!" i slap her again

the front door opens and i see the mysterious swazz from the story

he closes the door behind him and i lunge at him

he grabs both of my wrists before i can do anything so i spit in his face

"i know you're mad so i'm gonna turn myself in" swazz holds his head down in defeat and releases my wrists

"what?!" madison yells. "you can't do that without ratting our zack!"

i'm so irritated

"not everything is about you madison!" i yell at her and slap swazz as well

"i'll tell the story without mentioning zack" he says. "i promise"

"you can't fucking promise that!" madison's face starts to turn red. "zacks fingerprints are the one on the gun, not yours!"

"shut up, it's his fucking fault too!" i start to break down. this is too much for me to handle. "swazz you have to confess"

i start crying. "please, if skate knew how much this hurt me, he would want you to confess to"

"he does want me to confess and he wants to confess as well cause he was the instigator in the whole situation" swazz responds

i cry in swazz's arms and he just hold me

madison keeps yelling on how they can't confess because she doesn't want zack to get arrested

well no one told him to pull the fucking trigger, it was a personal choice

lol haha i didn't even know this was gonna be apart of the plot line but it fits so heheheh

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