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jack raises his head when he sees me

he stands up and opens up his arms, signaling me to hug him

i go in for the hug. "baby i'm sorry, this whole week has been a mess and everything is get–"

i get cut off by jack pushing me against our front door and putting me in handcuffs

"jack, what the fuck are you doing?" i say but he pushes me harder against the door

i then keep my mouth shut. he opens the door and throws me on the couch

obviously with my hands behind me, i'm unable to balance or catch myself so i fall face first onto the couch, almost busting my head open on the glass coffee table

jack flips me over and places duck tape over my mouth

"jack, what the fuck are you doing?" i say but it's muffled so it sounds nothing like that

he starts to choke me but he catches me off guard so tears instantly swell up in my eyes

"you fucking like that?" he groans. "this is how it fucking feels when you go out, leave me at home with no explanation and go fuck other dudes"

he slaps me across the face with his free hand. "why am i not good enough for you? why do you want skate so badly? what does he have that i don't fucking have kennady?!"

he slaps me again but 2 more times. "it hurts me to do this but you're pushing me kennady, you really are"

he rips the duck tape off my lips and i scream out in pain

he lowers his body and slowly presses his lips onto mine. the handcuffs are digging into my skin as jack unintentionally pushes me deeper in the couch

he passionately makes out with me before picking me up and taking me upstairs

he lays me softly on the bed and continues kissing me

he slowly moves down to my jaw, then my boobs and torso

"jack please" i beg. i dont know what i'm begging for

"please what?" jack says seductively

well i just came back from being fucked by another guy and i'm still pretty sensitive in the lower region

"please take off these handcuffs and just kiss me"


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@jackgilinsky: mark what's yours

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@jackgilinsky: mark what's yours

[ tagged: kennadybrant ]

liked by kennadybrant, stassiebaby, sammywilk and 999,955 others


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@kennadybrant: you're fucking mine ❤️🥴
                    @ughkennady: damn, what did he have to do to you to make you fucking whipped
                   @moneykourt: just let them be happy

@kennadynjack: finallly they're happy together 😩

@holymaloley: it won't last, skates gonna say something and kennedy's gonna relapse
                   @maggielindemann: damn y'all maloley fans don't quit, just let them be happy

@kennadybear: proud of you babe for choosing the right guy for you

@ana_montana: heard you wanna fight? post up

@babygirlkennady: ❤️❤️

@jackj: soo... does this mean i can finally come over without y'all trying to kill each other?
                    @kennadybrant: no guarantees 🥴

@21jacks: healthy and stable, this is truly beautiful

jack and i are just admiring each other

"how did i get so lucky?" he smiles while staring at me

"youre lucky?" i question. "i'm the lucky one here" i give him a kiss

there's a knock on the door and we both ignore it

jack grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me towards him. i kiss him hard, making both of our lips red

i leave some more hickeys on jacks neck. the knocking on the door turns to banging

"what the fuck do you want?" jack yells at the door

"kennady wanted to fight me so i'm here to fight" i instantly knew it was ana by the way she says my name

"shit" i mumble to myself

i knew she wasn't gonna turn down a fight but i never knew she was gonna show up to my fucking house

"not right now, we're busy" jack yells back

there's a loud bang and the door swings open. ana has a gun in her hand

"woah" i hid myself behind jack. "i said i wanted to fight, not do target practice"

"well i don't give a fuck" ana is swinging her gun everywhere and i'm scared it's gonna go off 

jack then gets up and whips out his own gun and points it directly at anas head

"shoot me, i dare you" jack says

"jack, don't do this" i beg him but he shushes me

"stay the fuck away from nathan you bitch" ana says before leaving the house

so now we don't have a door and jack could have accidentally shot me at anytime with that gun being in his pants

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