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Percy panted heavily, his lack of sleep left him exhausted.


"Like you killed my parents?"

It had been a week since Voldemort took him from Hogwarts, and he'd been locked in a cellar for that time. He'd occasionally get food and water, but not much.
Voldemort finally decided to confront Percy, and Percy just couldn't look at that snake of a man the same way he had just months before.


"Don't lie to me." Percy yelled, he no longer cared about what would happen to himself. His eyes had been opened, and he wanted to pay back for all the terrible things he had done.

He had left a present for Harry, and hoped it would be enough. He had read about the pensieve that was in Dumbledore's office, he even saw it.

"Well then, shall I teach you why you should never betray me?" Voldemort held his wand to Percy's neck.

Percy closed his eyes, knowing full well what was to happen.


Percy writhed in pain, But was confused nonetheless. He expected Voldemort to kill him, yet he was still breathing.
Pain radiated throughout Percy's body, but no scream was let out. He was trained to never scream, no matter how much pain he was facing.

"Now, you don't want to end up like Madam Red? Or should I call her by her name?" Voldemort looked over and a deatheater dragged in a tied up Madam Red. "Why don't you tell him who you are?"

Madam Red looked at Percy with wide eyes, tears streaming down her pale face.

"I-I am Madam Red."

"Incorrect," Voldemort held his wand at Percy's neck once again, "Do you know of the witch Hecate?"

Percy's eyes widened as he let out a gasp, "No.. she's not.."

"Yes Perseus, the woman who raised you is the evil witch you heard of. She really did do those criminal actions. Now, would you like to remind him of what you've done, Hecate?"

Hecate looked at Percy and Voldemort, she had been lucky to have survived at long as she had.. but to admit her actions to the child she considered her son... She couldn't..

"Fine! I'll remind him!" Voldemort yelled, pressing the wand against Percy's neck even more, "Hecate murdered many, wether they be deatheaters, muggles, moodbloods, or pure-bloods.. on the night before your  parent's death, she went on a mass killing spree that left thousands dead! Even her own children!"

That wouldn't have bothered Percy a year ago, but now, he couldn't help but be scared of her, be upset at her for killing those innocent people!

"So Percy, I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself." Voldemort handing Percy his wand, and pointed to Hecate, "Kill your old guardian for me. Then I'll consider you redeemed."

Percy's hands shook, he raised his wand towards Hecate, but couldn't do anything. He had no idea why he'd want redemption from Voldemort of all people! At least Madam- no, at least Hecate considered Percy an actual person other than a weapon..

"You know the words, Perseus!" Voldemort yelled.

Percy didn't want to kill anymore. He killed too many, and it was all due to Madam Red and Voldemort. He could've been normal... and he wasn't because of them...

"PERCY JUST DO IT!" Hecate yelled, tears streaming endlessly down her cheeks.

"JUST SAY IT!" Voldemort yelled.

Percy's hands still shook violently as the wand still lay in Percy's hand, pointed directly at Hecate.

He couldn't.

Voldemort groaned, "You're weak, Perseus." And Held his wand at Hecate, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Hecate fell to the floor, and Percy's legs gave out on him as he fell to the floor as well.

He stared in awe at his former guardian, he never even got to tell her about Hogwarts and all the fun he had. But maybe he was glad, too. One less person to deceive him..

Voldemort grabbed Percy by the collar of his shirt and held him against the wall, "You are not redeemed. I hope you don't mind pain, because you'll never know what it's like to not be in pain."

Percy closed his eyes, wishing it were him instead of Hecate. Why couldn't he just be a normal wizard that went to Hogwarts and made amazing friends?

Before he knew it, Percy was thrown into the cellar, and was consumed by the darkness of the room. He wished there was at least a candle there.

Death Eater- Harry Potter x Percy Jackson crossover Where stories live. Discover now