Señorita (Varchie)

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By popular demand, here you go.

He pulled over for a meal at pops, taking a glance at the diner. Sitting on his motorcycle he got off and made his way through the doors of the diner.

Working at pops was never an option. She needed the job and she needed the money. She just got in from the back door and ties her hair up getting straight to work by serving the customers their food. She takes a glance towards the new customer, while placing food down. But she steals another glance at him noticing that he was looking over at her.

In fact when he got his order he didn't stop looking at her. She continues on with her shift until her shift was over and made her way home. She could imagine his touch on her body, she couldn't get enough of his looks. She was already sexually frustrated as it was, but this man was different.

The Speakeasy

They met later on in the basement of pops, it was lively. People were dancing like it was the time of their lives. He had a show to put on, he had a gig here and he was going to give it his all. He made his way to the back of the stage getting ready.

He wore a white button down with black suspenders and black slacks. It was a simple outfit put together in a short time. He walked up to the curtains and pushed them open and sat down on a stool and started playing his guitar. It was nothing new, he was just the entertainment while people did other things like socialize. But his eyes scanned the room and spotted the raven haired beauty in the same room. It only made him sweat even more even though he didn't know her name.

She was talking to some of her friends. A blond with a ponytail, a ginger, and a pink haired girl.  He snuck a few glances towards her but also noticed that she was staring at him. He figured that they were talking about him. His act was soon done and another singer went on. He gained some confidence and walked towards her. He stuck his hand out towards her asking for a dance she hesitated before being pushed by her friends to go so she grabbed his hand. He led her to the middle of the dance floor he twirled her around with her landing in his chest with her back. He then spun her outward in the same manner and pressed their foreheads together.

They shared a fleeting moment before she pulled away from him and disappeared back through the crowd. Leaving him on the dance floor. He then waited in the back of the diner near the back door. He spotted her moments later in her work outfit. He caught her attention but she carried on walking faster. He then ran in front of her to stop her.

"Hey." He breathes out.

"So, What do you want?" She asks.

"A night with you. What do you say?" He asks.

She stands there thinking it over before smiling.


She gets onto the back of the motorcycle, they soon take off. She feels the wind start to move her curls, her hands were tightly against his stomach. She dug her head into his back, enjoying his company. They soon showed up in front of the Five Seasons. He grabbed her hand leading the way up to his hotel room. He sat on the bed looking at her while her back was against the closet wall. He stares at her body and her curves, she walks closer to him, he pulls off the tank top revealing his body to her. He grabs her by the waist, she goes onto her toes to reach his lips. Their lips connect, they feel a spark coarse through their veins.

He flips them over and collapses onto the bed for her to be lying on her back. He hovers over her before leaning back in and capturing her lips. His hands danced across her  skin, nipping and teasing at her body sending her into cries of ecstasy. To her distaste it was only one night, a one night stand which she had very few of. She denied most offers,

But who would deny her beauty?

She woke up entangled in the bed sheets and limbs. She looked over and smiled at the sleeping man next to her. She crawled out of the bed and put on his dress shirt that was lying on the floor. She walked over to the window and opened the curtains. The blinding light washed over his face waking him up, he put his hand in front of his face to adjust to the light.

This wasn't the last encounter they had, over the course of 2 months they kept coming back to each other. Every night they spent together always ended with the other in the arms of the other. As if a relationship was starting to form, but it was simply just another summer fling. Shortly after they started calling and texting each other. But as these encounters kept on happening they started to notice that they knew very little about each other, and they were fine with that.

As her shift comes to an end, she texts him.

Are you here yet?

Impatient are we?

Shut up. My shift's done.

I'm outside, Señorita.

A nickname he came up with just after a couple of weeks. She knew what it meant in Spanish but it was cute. Even though he could be calling anyone Señorita. She felt special, something she hadn't felt in a long time. She grabbed her bag and made her way outside the diner and spotted him. He stood out like a sore thumb with his leather jacket with jeans. He looked like a Southsider, and not many traveled up to the famous diner. She got onto the back of the motorcycle and they made their way to the 4 Seasons. But she wasn't up for it, she leans up and whispered into his ear.

Can you go to Sweetwater River?

He did just that, he went to the river. The most calmest place in Riverdale, where people would go and clear their minds from the stress. They stood and watched the lake with clear minds no one there but themselves. It was relaxing, a safe place for each other whether they went to the 4 seasons or pops. They later met up at the Speakeasy, he walked in with confidence while she was propped up back against the wall waiting for him to show up. She walked to him with and open hand, he pulled her close until she landed against his chest. They started dancing against each other sensually, leaving touches that made their skin tingle uncontrollably.

As they danced it became more and more sexual as if no one was in the bar. The more people left the more they did, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his torso. He backed her up into the wall behind him, their faces met. They mingled in the warm air surrounding their faces, they were breathing heavily but they were happy enough to be in each other's presence. She slowly slid down the wall before leaving him there speechless. It hurt him, he thought they were getting somewhere but all flings come to an end somehow. He rode on the motorcycle and went to Sweetwater River to see the sunset before leaving town.

The next day passes and she waits on the bench behind the building patiently waiting for him to show up. But he never did, her coworker was out there with her. But she left after a while not knowing what her friend was waiting for. She was stupid, what made her think that he would want her? She was the one who stupidly left him alone in the Speakeasy, all for what? She was afraid to be in a relationship, she checked her phone multiple times checking the time or for a text message. But nothing came, she walked back in to continue her shift. Her shift always ended at 3:40 PM, she was hoping that he was outside waiting for her. But he wasn't there either she checked her phone one last time, a message.

Goodbye, Señorita.

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