Love? (Bughead)

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This is messy. And has been in my drafts for a while.

"You call this love? I'm trapped in this relationship only here because you're forcing me to stay here!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm the one trapping you? You were the one who wanted the perfect fantasy and look where it got us! It ruined our friendship all because you wanted to know what it was like to date Archie Andrews!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"If wasn't my fault that I was unhappy!"

"Then you could've told me! This would've never happened, because you know why? I would've respected it even if it was breaking my heart! Archie has a fiancé Betty and you have the courage to kiss him when his fiancé is your fucking best friend. How could you do that to her? No doubt he would've told her by now, and you know what happens after that. You lose 2 best friends and now me." He says lowering his voice.

"Jug, I won't lose you too." She says choking up on her words, cupping his face with her hands.

"You lost me when you kissed my best friend, Elizabeth." He says moving away from her touch heading for the door.

"Jug!" She says yanking on his arm pulling him forcing him to look at her. She stared into his eyes, disgust evident in his eyes.

"How many times Jug? How many times do we have to push each other away?" Tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Until it sticks, I should've listened to Toni when she said you were bad news." He says.

"I thought it was us against the world."

"I'm not yours anymore." He adds pulling his arm away from her slamming the door shut.

She crumpled to the ground sobbing hysterically, she covered her face with her hands. They were doing so well, what changed?


He walked out of the house they had just bought together, after 5 years of dating she decided to throw it all away when her Archie was back in town for a couple weeks. That was the only place he thought of going to, the old Andrews house. He had just got off of the tour and wanted to return back to his roots. But he had to leave shortly after so he wanted to spend as much time with them as possible, but most of all his beautiful fiancé that he missed dearly. He knocked on the door rapidly, waiting for him to open the door. It opens immediately and he was met with a very confused Archie, but his face quickly turned when he saw his red eyes. He pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's fine it wasn't your fault." He said breaking the hug.

"Do you need anything?"


"Okay, Veronica's coming over so if you don't want to stay down here you can go upstairs."

"That's fine, I'm leaving town anyway."

"No, you can't."

"What are you going to do Archie?" He turns on his heel and heads for the door, but he stops him.

"Archie move your god damn arm right now." He said demandingly.

"You need to cool off."

"And you need to get the fuck out of my way."

"You're not leaving."

"Like hell I am." Just as he finishes his sentence he hears the doorbell ring.

He looked up at him expectingly.

"Are you going to open the door?"

He dropped the cold stare and opened the door to reveal his fiancé. While they were hugging he snuck out through the small gap and started to head towards the Southside. He got to his trailer and grabbed his bag loading it with his clothes and laptop. It was time for him to see his mom in Toledo, where he could escape from the town. Where he could have a life where no one knew him, where he could find someone that could love him.

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