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"Yash! This man.. Why is he so hard to pick up the call?! Where the fuck does he put his phone?!" Jungkook tried again for the fifth time; trying to reach his fiancé but yet no answers.

He brought his hand to look at his shiny wrist watch and his eyes widened when he found that he was already late; too much late.

"Shit shit.." he cursed with panic and quickly dialed his friend number.

"Yah! Where the fuck are you?!"

"Yoongs! I'm sorry! Yugyeom didn't answer his phone. I don't know where the fuck is he right now.."

"What do you mean? Oh he'll drive you here?"

"Yes yes!"

"Okay, don't be so late. Joonie and Jin almost drunk already."

"What?! Hey you guys should've wait for me!"

"We have been waiting for you since 8 you brat!"

"Uh.. I'm sorry. I'll text you when I arrived."

"Okay, remember don't be—"

"YOONGS! He's here! I gotta go. I'll meet you there.. Adios!"

Jungkook quickly ended the call and shoved his phone deep in his pocket. Soon, the black Porsche Panamera stopped in front of him and he wasted no time to slam the door opened with force and anger. He entered the car and closed the door shut before turned to the side to give his fiancé a pack of kiss on the lips with tight expression.

"Baby, I'm sorry for being late." Yugyeom apologized as soon as he saw the look of the boy.

"Okay. Drive." replied Jungkook shortly without looking at Yugyeom.

"Don't mad at me Kookie I'm sorry."

"How can I not? Look at what time right now.. Almost 10! I should be there at 8!" blurted out Jungkook in furiously upset making Yugyeom to look at him with a small surprised.

"Where did you get that attitude from Kookie? I don't like it."

Jungkook scoffed, "Fix your attitude first. Be punctual. I don't like it too. I hate it. I've been patience since years ago. You've never change. At. All." he snapped before threw his gaze out from the window while crossing his arm on the chest. He was so done.

Yugyeom sighed and eyed his upset baby beside him before slowly moved his hand to grab Jungkook's hand in his. He gripped the hand smoothly and gently brought it to his lips to kiss it lovingly which makes Jungkook's anger to cool down immediately.

"I'm sorry okay, you know.. I can't run away from works"

"Yeah whatever. Start driving now. They're waiting for me."

"You still wanna go?" Yugyeom asked, sounded a little bit possessive while Jungkook already looked at him confused.

"Yeah" he answered while nodding his head.

"It's already late."

"And so what? Who told you to be late"

Yugyeom sighed in defeat, he knew if he tried to stop the boy from going out with his friends, the war between them will started to happen again. He nodded his head between sighs and began to drive the car without saying anything that might upset the boy again.


"Babe! Call me when you're done!" Yugyeom shouted through the window.

"Nah! You don't have have to wait for me and pick me up! Yoongi hyung will send me back home!" Jungkook screamed back while waving his hand to his fiancé.

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