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It's been a week and half now, and everything has going back to normal. What normal I mean, Jungkook was just fine now with his fiancé. He had finally move on with what had happened and just went with the flow of his life that God has planned for him. Yugyeom went to work and same goes to him.

Jungkook was working as a barista in his parent's coffeehouse. No, not working like every day. He just went there whenever he felt bored at home and he'll helped his parents served the customers. So, things just went smooth without anything happened anymore. But the truth was; Jungkook was still self-harming himself in the invisible area where no one could see the scars.

Ofcourse, indeed he had slide it off of what had happened but still; every time he looked at himself on the mirror, he'll remember that he's liar, cheater and a disgusted creature on earth.
He'll get so depressed and that was when he really needs to hurt himself.

Also, he sometimes had sent a text to Jimin even though he really didn't get the reply back. He just thought like it was very unfair. Even he knew that what Jimin did to him right now was the right thing to do because he's engaged, but he has a thought like, ''He can't just ignore me like this after what we both have done.''

But day by day, he already can accept it and really hope that he will never ever meet Jimmy anymore.

"Jungkook-ah.." his mom called him out.

"Oh..what Mom? I'm doing a coffee right now. Wait a moment if you need a help." He yelled a little loud while eyes were big and sharp, focusing on the shape that he wanted to create on the top of the coffee.

"Aniya, you've been working since this morning. Stop stop, let me continue it." His mother urged him to go but being a stubborn ass kid like he was, he rejected it.

"Do you really want me to become a useless son? I don't have anything to do so let me do all of this since I've already master at it."

"Aigo, what's with the useless son has to do with this? I just don't want you to work so hard honey."

"Yah Mom look, there's so many customers today and you want me to stop helping you and Dad? Oh no no no no no—"

"It's okay Mom can do—"

"NO no no no no no and NO. DAD! PLEASE TAKE YOUR WIFE AWAY! SHE'S DISTURBING ME HELP!" Jungkook screamed to his dad and all the customers let out a small laugh at him which he bowed to them and gave them his polite smile.

Soon, his dad came towards them and chuckled. "Honey, let him do the works. He is a healthy guy compared to us."

"Yeah, that's what I want to hear! I'm a big guy now okay Mom."

"But Yugyeom said otherwise."

He quickly paid his mother a glance, a disbelief glance as soon as the words went through his both ears.

"Huh? HAH! You both talking behind me huh? What did he say? Come on spit it out young lady. I'm ready to fight you." Jungkook muttered playfully towards his mother while held his both fist in front his chest.

Mrs.Jeon laughed at her son, "Well, I promised him not to say a word about it."

"Young lady I repeat, I am ready to fight you. My punch is going to be hurt."

"Then fight me." Mrs.Jeon also held her two fists in front of him playfully.

"Oh, so now you're going to challenge me? Huh young lady?" Jungkook teased before laughed loudly which caused his father to shut him up immediately.

"Enough enough. There's a bunch of customers out there waiting for the empty place. Hurry up." His father spoke up and began to help his son made a coffee for their lovely customers.

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