Amber Eyes

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August, 2016 :

-"I just want to say that.....all of this would have never been possible if my son wasn't there with me.He has always been my strength,my anchor. Whatever I have achieved today,is all because of him......Jinnie,Eomma loves you more than anyone and anything else in this world...."

-"Seokjin is that kind of a person who believes that everyone deserves their fair share of happiness in their life.And that's why we are able to be here together. I'm glad that he has considered me worthy enough for his mother and I'll try till my last breath to keep your faith,Seokjin......"
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Seokjin flinched as his phone went off.Putting down the bottle of wine on the sand,he received the call from his father.

-"Appa....!",he sang,forcing a smile on his face as if his father could see him at that moment.

[-"So the wedding is over?],his father asked,his voice lacked any kind of emotion.


-["And you're alone now?"]

-"Eomma wanted me to be there, but..... There are so many people over there,you know I'm not really comfortable in midst of a crowd,right?",he reasoned while nudging the warm sand with the glass bottle.

His father hummed in response and they both fell silent for a few seconds before the older decided to speak up first.

-["I should've been there.... You're all alone,It doesn't feel good,Jin-" ]

-"Appa,I'm not a kid anymore, remember? I'm alright! And please.... don't say the same thing again. If you were not comfortable to come here,its completely fine! Eomma hadn't attended your wedding either..."

-["The situation was different back then,Jin-ah...."],the man sighed and Seokjin could imagine his thick brown eyebrows scrunching a little.

-"Appa.....she is happy and she is thankful to you today. Isn't that what actually matters?",he smiled at the roaring sea infront of him.

-["I guess......"],there was a hint of smile in Mr Kim's voice that made his son smile even wider.

-"And you're happy too,right?"

-["Nae,my son...."]

-"That's all I need! Your and Eomma's happy faces. That's it!",the younger giggled,chugging a gulp of the dark red alcohol as his father advised him to "Take care." and bid him "Good night.".

-"Mhmm....",he hummed while gulping down the wine.

-"Good night to you too...Bye,Appa..."

The boy sighed,taking another mouthful of the drink.

The horizon was getting darker,illuminated by the moonlight only;which,by the way,seemed too faint compared to the dazzling city-lights of Busan.

Still,he didn't want to go back to that bustling crowd.Sometimes, he just wishes to have a cottage near the sea beach or at any hill station.

Far away from the city.Where he can be alone,with books ofcourse.And well.....Jungkook can join him too.

But he has a little dream of his own to fulfill. He can't just run away like that.

"Till this date,you've only lived for us,Jinnie..... And see,we have everything now! But I want you to live for yourself. Live for yourself, Jinnie....for once...",his mother had told him before entering the wedding venue.

So he had decided that from now on, he would live for himself,for his small wishes.

And someday, he would get that cottage too.But before that,he has to become the person he has always dreamed to be.

Sniffing the salty scent of the sea,he brought his hand up to adjust his glasses but took it off to massage the bridge of his nose.

And as soon as he did so,a squeaky noise of denial came from a distance.

Seokjin tensed up a little. He thought that he was alone in that secluded part of the Haeundae beach, but it seemed like he wasn't because the noise had been emitted from a human vocal chord for sure.

His gaze roamed around in an alerting way.The fact that he was certainly feeling a strong gaze on him was enough to send chills down his spine.

It wasn't really an uncomfortable feeling though. Not a fearful one either. It was an.....uncertain feeling.

He wasn't sure if he was being afraid or nervous or just curious about the new presence.

And Seokjin hates uncertainty.

So he grasped the neck of the wine-bottle and stood up,ready to leave the place until a voice stopped him.


Seokjin stopped at the deep,warm tone and turned around at its source almost immediately to find a red-haired boy with something like a sketchpad in his hand.

Seokjin slightly tilted his head.

The boy's sculpted face,his chiseled jawline,his perfect nose and thin lips,his dark red bangs that resembled the alcohol in the bottle in his hand,everything about his features screamed perfection.

But what made Seokjin glued to the ground were the pair of feline eyes that were glowing in the moonlight.

Those amber eyes that were staring intently at him,made him stutter out an unintentional apology,-



So yeah this book is finally back !!

And sorry if the chapter seems to be short.

But I'm quite excited about this book.

Let me know your opinions!

Purple Ya! ^_^💜

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