His Boyfriend

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"It's beautiful!",Jungkook chimed gleefully, his hands wrapped around the little tub of cactus,which Seokjin's "new neighbor" has just gifted to him.

"Isn't it~?",the raven sang to his bestfriend,holding up the tub so that the older would be able to look at it all the way from his kitchen.

Having the urge to strangle the younger,Seokjin muttered incoherent curses under his breath.

"I mean it's so unique!",the younger continued gleefully,earning a small laugh from Taehyung.

"I'm glad you liked it...",Taehyung gave Jungkook a genuine smile before his eyes flickered towards Seokjin for a mere second.

"So Taehyung-ssi!",Jungkook chirped,forcing Taehyung to look at him with a questioning look in his eyes.

"What do you do?"

Seokjin's eyes widened comically as he shot a skeptical glare towards the boy,which soon turned into a deathly one as he realized what exactly his best friend was up to.

Jungkook's whole aura was screaming protectiveness as he waited for Taehyung's answer.His toothy smile still intact,making him look like the innocent bunny he definitely wasn't,atleast not at that moment.

But his eyes... his big doe eyes had narrowed into two sharp,judging ones.

Seokjin rolled his eyes. Jungkook was being the intimidating and not so easy to please father in law he has always dreamed to be towards Jin's partner.

"Well I...",Taehyung tilted his head with a small,awkward smile and looked at Seokjin as the blonde placed two cups of coffee infront of them.

"I'm an.. artist...",a quiet yet deep voice spoke and Seokjin felt as if he was being urged to look at the source of it.

So he did.

He looked up at the red haired boy who gazed back at him with a tender look in his amber orbs.

"...a painter.",the younger breathed out,turning his head sideways to look at Jungkook once again.

"And a part time professor. I work in Jin-ssi's college only..."

Jungkook's mouth formed the shape of "O" as he stared at Seokjin with a surprised expression spread all over his flustered face.

Seokjin swallowed an inaudible gulp and nodded with a weak smile because it was becoming too much for him to take in one day.

Jungkook's mouth went even more agape,probably wondering in his mind that how many coincidences can happen in a person's life,that too in a single day.

Honestly,that's exactly what Seokjin was wondering too as he sat on the couch with a small thud.

"Oh...",Jungkook finally managed to break the awkward silence and Seokjin was thankful to him for that.

"That's...",the youngest trailed,searching for something suitable  to say as he glanced at Seokjin once again.

"That's really great! I mean... neighbors come colleagues...",he chuckled heartily, grabbing the cup of coffee to bring it near his lips.

"You guys won't even get bored on your way to work or while coming back.."

Taehyung nodded slowly with a soft smile as he looked at Seokjin for some kind of reaction but the blonde was way too engrossed in his own thoughts.

"Um.. by the way...",he cleared his throat a little as he shifted on the couch.

"Jimin wanted you to... I mean...",he picked at the edge of his thumbnails restlessly for a few seconds before Seokjin's name rolled down his tongue like warm honey.

"Jin-ssi... he wants to invite you over."

Seokjin finally looked at him once again with a slightly confused look,but the moment he parted his lips to say something,his friend beat him at it.

"Jimin...?",Jungkook asked in a way as if Taehyung was talking about aliens or atleast dinosaurs.

"Uh... Jin-ssi knows him,right...?",the red haired boy kept staring at Seokjin as he spoke those words.

"Jin-ssi met him this morning only... didn't he..?"

Jin only managed to nod as an answer,his lips still a little far from each other's reach as he felt himself getting lost in the gorgeous orbs of his once lost stranger.

The eyes he could never forget.

Taehyung nodded too as a reply as he tore his eyes away from the older and looked at Jungkook with a small,genuine smile on his lips.

"I'm with him only."

Something twisted inside Seokjin all of a sudden as he stared at Taehyung blatantly.

"He was talking to me about Jin-ssi in the morning...",the boy kept blabbering enthusiastically to Jungkook and Seokjin could tell that his bestfriend was zoning out too.

"...he loves to make new friends and mingling with new people.So he told me that he wanted Jin-ssi to visit our home."

Seokjin's gut filled with a strange numb feeling as he trailed his gaze down towards the floor.


How much stupid can he become?

What was he expecting anyways?That Taehyung will wait for him for all these years?!

And for what? Because of that one night?!

"Oh and you have to come too! It'll be really fun.",Taehyung patted Jungkook's knee lightly,a boyish smile plastered on his face that made Seokjin's gut churn even more.

"By the way...",he furrowed his eyebrows a bit as his eyes shifted between Seokjin and the youngest for a few seconds.

"I'm really sorry I... didn't even ask you your name.",he told Jungkook with guilt in his warm voice,his cheeks coloring in embarrassment.

A beat of silence passed inside the living room before Jungkook laughed in a way that made Seokjin uneasy.

"Why are you being sorry?! It's hyung's fault that he hasn't introduced me to you.",he shook his head,way more amused than Seokjin had expected him to be in that situation.

"I'm Jungkook by the way...",the raven offered Taehyung a smile,the most fake smile Jungkook can ever give to anyone,Seokjin realized.

"Jeon Jungkook. Hyung's childhood bestfriend and...",he gave Seokjin a pointed look before giving his full attention to Taehyung.

"His boyfriend..."


Okay don't ask anything!!

*runs away*

I know I know... it's been a..... while..

Well tbh I really don't know when I would've been able to write again if a certain someone hadn't tried their best to get me back on track.

I'm more than grateful to them... (:

And I'm thankful to all of you for being so patient with me. I won't disappoint all of you this time.

Purple Ya! ^_^💜

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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