Chapter 2

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"Vse prosypat'sya, eto prekrasnoy dnya snaruzhi!" Toli said in his loud voice as he woke up.

Callen, having no idea what he had just said, shot out of bed dressed and was quickly making the bed and listening for trouble too scared to leave the room.

Svetlana opened the door fully expecting to have to wake her new charge up and was surprised to find him sat bag packed cross legged on the bed.

Raising an eyebrow but not wanting to scare him she smiled, "Good morning Callen, I trust my husband's happiness at the day did not scare you?"

Callen looked at her, "His what?" he smirked hiding the fact that it had scared him to death.

"That is just his way, it is 6am and we awake now?" she said not sure she had got it right, "He said 'Everybody wake up, it is a beautiful day outside…and it is, is it not?" she asked.

He turned and looked out of his window, she was right it was nice out there, flowers in the garden were starting to bloom and Alaina was dressed and outside playing in a small sandpit in the corner of the garden.

Svetlana looked at the boy, who was sat on his bed and she wanted to weep, she had seen him last night asleep, fully dressed leant against the window curled up into a ball. She had managed to sneak up on him and place a quilt over him without waking him up.

She had looked in on him and he was murmuring, she had quietly picked up the quilt and laid it over his shoulders.

"Don't!" he had said still asleep and moved away from her, "Don't hurt me," he had said, She had decided there and then they would do all they could to keep this broken boy and make him whole.

She and Toli had talked late into the night about keeping him, both agreeing that they would talk to him after breakfast and after they had met with his social worker, They had originally asked to foster a child about the same age as their daughter. But when Aileen had turned up with this boy, her heart had ached for him, there was something….something about him that said he needed her more than he would ever admit.

Callen looked up at the woman and could see she was thinking, obviously he had done something wrong, but he didn't know what and wasn't going to upset her, she seemed like a nice lady and he felt no threat from her, but her husband…Toli, he was another matter.

"You breakfast now?" She asked and smiled as he nodded, grabbed his bag and followed her to the kitchen.

He sat at the kitchen table and watched her work as Toli sang in the bathroom and Alaina played happily. Svetlana was humming a tune and the whole family seemed happy. There was an air of peace in this house that he had never felt before.

He looked at the table in front of him, a loaf of Black 'Rye' bread sat in the middle of the table with a large knife and a pot of butter sat next to it.

Svetlana reached up and got some pots and a big mixing bowl out of the cupboard and started adding flour and eggs to it, "I make for you Bliny, you are here and it is a special occasion yes?" she smiled.

"Bliny…?" Callen looked confused,

Sveta turned to him, "Like your American pancakes, now are you thirsty, we have tea or milk."

Callen looked at her, so this family, no cereal or juice in sight; she also started putting a pan of water on to boil.

"Alaina vy khotite bliny ili kashu na zavtrak?" she called

"Kashu Mama!" she replied smiling.

Sveta smiled as she poured the buckwheat into the pan, "My daughter she loves her porridge."

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