Chapter 7

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Sveta felt that something was off. Alaina was playing by her feet but Callen hadn't come back from the restroom yet. She looked over to see Sylvia talking to the man who had just arrived and walked over to them.

"We just can't do it Hetty, this all started because of him. We move them as a family of three and that is that," Owen stated, standing his ground.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, but we are a family of four, my husband, myself and our two children," Sveta said standing her ground.

"Mrs. Rostov, you need to understand, it would be safer for your family if you were separated from the boy. It is for your own safety," he reiterated.

"And who will look after Callen's safety?" She asked.

"We will put him back into the system, but your family will be safe," Owen insisted.

"He is my family!" Sveta all but shouted at the man. She stopped as Alaina came over to her.

"Mama… Gde moya bol'shoy brat?" she asked.

"That is a good question," Hetty said. "Owen can you see if Mr. Callen is in the restroom please?"

He walked into the restroom and noticed the window was open, but there was no sign of Callen. He walked back out to the two women, "He's not there."

"We need to look for him Owen. Stay here and guard Toli. I don't know why but I don't think he's been taken," Hetty said.

"We should try my home, he may have gone there," Sveta suggested.

Hetty agreed with her and the two of them set off in the car, leaving Owen guarding Alaina and Toli.

Callen had been walking for what felt like hours. His bag was heavy, his arms ached, and he was bone weary tired. He had run until he had stopped sobbing, ignoring the looks of concerned strangers as he had run by them. He found himself on the edge of the Los Angeles National Forest. Had he gone to familiar ground, like the beach, Aileen would find him and before he knew it he would be placed with the Rostov's again. He loved them dearly and didn't want to be the cause of anyone dying. The fact that he wasn't even sure if Papa….No! Toli Rostov, was dead, hurt too much.

Hitching the bag over his shoulder he walked resolutely into the forest. He was cold, and as the trees closed in around him he shivered. All at once there was a huge rumble of thunder and the heavens opened. Callen sank to his knees sobbing, his arms wrapped around himself for comfort. "Why?" he screamed in disbelief at the sky. If there was a God up there, Callen wondered what he had done to so monumentally piss him off.

He grabbed the blanket from his bed roll and threw it over his head, wishing he had grabbed the coat that his Ma….Sveta, had bought him.

Soaked through and shivering, he walked further and further into the forest, laughing as he thought of how little people would care if a wolf or bear ate him.

And if he was eaten?

At least his life would have had a purpose, even if it were only to be food for another animal.

Just as he thought he could not go on any further, the lightning flashed again and he saw a small hunting cabin. It was rotten and leaking, and abandoned, but to Callen, it was a palace.

He kicked the door and the rotting wood gave way easily. Exhausted, he crawled on his hands and knees to the far corner of the cabin, the driest spot, and shivering, fell asleep.

Hetty and Sveta arrived at the house and opened the door.

"Callen?" Sveta called. There was no answer and they walked into the house and Sveta went straight to Callen's room. Quickly taking in the scene she knew he was gone. She sat on the bare bed and picked up a shirt Callen had forgotten in his haste to leave and hugged it to her body sobbing at the loss of her son.

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