Chapter 16

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Callen had been working with Sergei Malenkov for two months slowly gathering all the information he needed to help stop the new drug pipeline from being financed. With Agent Mark Peters acting as Mikhail Romanov, Callen had managed to keep in contact with them as Mikhail was acting as Arkady's bodyguard.

Peters had been picking Gregori up once a week on Friday under the pretense of Arkady wanting to have a meal and spend time with his son. Sergei was apparently fine with it and had allowed the boy time off to see his father.

However, this Friday, Callen wasn't there to meet him as he pulled up.

Sergei sat in his office as Peters walked in.

"Hey, is Gregori around? I am to take him to his father?" He asked.

Sergei looked up, "He is working; I know he will not be around for a few days. Tell Arkady not to worry, he will be fine," he said waving the man away.

Peters stood firm, "Arkady made it clear that Gregori was to attend this evening. If you let me know where he is, I will collect him."

"Mikhail, do not worry. Gregori was on a run with some of my men. They must have run into a delay as they should have been back yesterday and haven't checked in yet. It is most likely they had a tire blowout and are holed up at a motel somewhere," Sergei said with an air of arrogance.

Peters looked at him - something was off. There was no way that Callen would go off the grid without contacting someone on the team.

Shaking his head he walked out of the building and over to the car where Arkady was waiting. "He's not here," he stated flatly.

Arkady looked concerned, "Stay here." He said and walked into Malenkov's office.

"Where is my son?" he asked.

Sergei looked up, and smiled, "Arkady, my friend. Do not worry about your son; he is just a few days late. He had to go to New York; the bright lights may have distracted him."

Arkady looked at Sergei's face and he didn't appear to be lying but something didn't sit right with him.

"He is not the sort to get distracted," he growled with annoyance.

"In Karma, or the motherland maybe, but New York?" Sergei said spreading his palms wide in the universal signal of innocence.

Arkady backed off, "You call me the second you hear from him," he said as he opened the door.

They walked outside and Sergei was staring at him intently. "Of course I will." His smile was feral, which made both Peters' and Arkady's blood run cold. "A word my friend?" he asked, motioning Arkady away from Peters.

Arkady nodded and followed Sergei, "What is the problem my old friend?"

"We have had Intel that someone from the CIA or the DEA is breaking into our little operation. Our backers have asked to have a conversation with your son. He will be home in a day or two, so you have nothing to worry about," Sergei said as Arkady's heart clenched.

"Of course, Mikhail!" Arkady called, "We shall go. Gregori will be back in a few days and we will catch up then," he said and climbed into the car.

Peters climbed in with him and closed the door.

"We my friend, are in very big troubles," Arkady said and ran his hand down his face.

"Why?" Peters asked as the car moved off, "What's happened?"

"I have just been warned that the group dealing with Malenkov has Callen. They are questioning him as they have had word the CIA or DEA are trying to get a foothold in the pipeline."

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