Chapter 19

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Arkady's mood was black as he gunned the car engine.

Sergei had misused his friendship with Arkady and even worse; he had hurt his son. This would not go unpunished.

Sergei smiled and nodded to his bodyguards as he saw Arkady's car pull up, "My friend, I have been meaning to contact you. Did your son turn up?" he asked his voice and face totally innocent looking.

Arkady smiled, this was going to be fun, "Yes he did and he is currently sleeping off the effects of his little trip," he said with a friendly tone. "I am about to go for coffee. I wondered if you wished to join me?" he asked.

Sergei knew he'd gotten away with it; Arkady only invited a few people to go to coffee with him. He puffed up a bit at his own audacity and grabbed his coat.

Kort looked up, "Are we going somewhere?" he asked.

Sergei smiled, "I have…how you say… pulled the sheep over the old goat's eyes my friend, and we are going for coffee with Arkady."

"Wool," Kort corrected him with a sigh. He didn't know what Arkady was up to but he grabbed his coat and followed Sergei.

Climbing into the car, Sergei sat at the front as Arkady pulled away from the office. Trent followed them in his.

Sergei chatted about his business and how much he was looking forward to the new developments that he was sure to be in on.

Arkady smiled and nodded as he drove just waiting for the predetermined spot where he would pull over. "So," he said pulling into a parking space near the Florida swamps. "My boy was at a motel for the last two months when we couldn't find him?" he asked still with a friendly smile on his face.

"I…yes, I told you. I think he met a nice girl, you know what the young are like," he replied, trying to simulate a confident smile.

Arkady nodded and got out of the car.

He walked around to the passenger side, opened the door and squatted down while pulling his gun from the holster, "You told me he was in New York. Get out!"

Sergei held his hands in the international position of surrender. "Arkady, my friend."

"Enough!" Arkady's voice boomed causing the birds in the nearby trees to flee. Trent pulled his gun, "I can't let you hurt him Kolcheck."

Arkady looked over at the British man, "Trent Kort, this is none of the CIA's concern," he told him flatly.

Trent nodded. "I have a meeting at your home later. It'd probably be best if we didn't turn up together," he said as he turned and walked to his car.

"You can't leave me!" Sergei screamed at Kort who ignored him, climbed into his car and drove off.

"Apparently he can." Arkady smirked and turned his attention back to the matter in hand.

"Arkady…I meant nothing bad by it. I didn't realize he was really your son. I was told he was a spy; if I had only known." Sergei's voice dropped to a whimper.

"Sergei Malenkov, you discovered something that I went to great pains to hide and you hurt my son."

"But you told me he was your son!" Sergei protested as he struggled at the handcuffs Arkady had just attached to his wrists.

"You took a blood sample." Arkady shook his head. "Big mistake."

Sergei looked around wildly hoping to see someone, anyone.

"I went to great lengths to keep him safe, not from you, but from others who will hurt him if they know who I am. You put that in jeopardy," Arkady spat.

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