Chapter 5

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Another month had passed and Callen was feeling settled in his new life.

His room was slowly filling with his own belongings. Books, comics, posters on the wall and clothes he would keep until he outgrew them. Sleeping through the night was a welcomed pleasure. He attributed being well rested, and having a family and a home, to the rise in his grades at school.

While they awaited Toli's return from work, Sveta, Callen and Alaina were in the living room, each reading a book. Callen was getting hungry but Sveta was very insistent the family had dinner together.

Toli walked in and hugged Svetlana, who was reading to Alaina.

"Good evening my husband." She smiled and gave him a kiss.

Callen looked up from the book that he was reading on the floor. "Papa ty v poryadke?" Callen asked. Toli looked shaken and a bit grey.

"I am well my son. Take Alaina out and play on the swing," he suggested.

Callen looked at him concerned but went anyway.

Svetlana sat and looked at her husband. "Toli are you sure you are well?" she asked.

"Something strange happened today. I was talking about my son, and then someone started asking questions about him."

Svetlana looked with concern at Callen playing in the garden throwing a ball as Alaina ran shrieking with laughter after it. He looked so happy; she did not want anything to hurt him.

"You must call the police, they must know. I do not understand, Callen is a boy, why would the man at work be interested in him? What did you see Toli?" she asked.

"Some investors for a company in Romania were visiting, I think they may be Mafia, but when I was telling Alec about Callen's new test scores, the man was suddenly interested in him. He asked where he was from, was he adopted, and how old he was. I am scared for him Sveta," Toli admitted.

Sveta called Callen's social worker and informed her of what had happened. She agreed it was of concern and would come over and see them. Sveta knew she would have to let Callen know soon.

They sat and ate dinner that evening and Callen instantly picked up on the looks that Sveta and Toli were giving each other.

Shifting uncomfortably Callen stopped looking at them. He wasn't sure what he had done, but they looked at him like they were scared or sad. Did this mean he was moving again?

He pushed the food around on the plate; his appetite was gone.

"Mama, have I done something wrong?" Callen asked as she cleared the table.

Sveta looked at him and shook her head, "No, you have done nothing wrong, but you do need to do your homework. You do not need to get up early tomorrow, you have the day off from school."

"Am I sick?" he asked suddenly afraid.

Sveta smiled. "No, moy syn, you are not sick. Papa and I have a problem that we are dealing with, that is all. You go and do your homework in your room," she said and kissed his head.

Slowly, Callen walked down the hall to his room. Something was wrong. They had promised not to move him, but he had to have the day off? He wasn't sick, so what was it? Was mama or papa sick?

His thoughts were in such turmoil that he didn't sleep at all that night.

Aileen was on the doorstep before 9:00 am and when Sveta let her in, a small woman accompanied her.

"Svetlana Rostov, this is Sylvia Grey. I called her about your problem, she is here to help."

Sveta nodded as the woman looked kindly at her, "I hope you can help me. Toli has gone into work so no one gets suspicious."

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