Chapter 4

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The next morning, Callen awoke slowly. It was early out still and the clock on his nightstand said 05:20. He stretched and blinked as he had slept the whole night. He was in a bed in new PJ's!

Slowly it came back to him. Coming home from the police station. Aileen signing the paperwork with the Rostov's and Callen having the biggest meal of meat and potatoes he had ever eaten and a loaf of bread - a very strange loaf of bread. It was round and decorated with a lighter dough that had a picture of fields and wheat on it. It was surrounded by a dark wicker basket. Papa Rostov had told him it was a celebration as he now had a son.

There was a knock on his door and Callen sat up in bed.

"Good morning my son, do you wish to play your baseball with me before zavtrak?" Toli asked.

"Zavtrak?" Callen asked.

"Breaking your fast?" Toli asked trying to get it right.

"Oh, breakfast." Callen grinned.

'Ok, breakfast is Zavtrak' Callen said to himself.

He had learned fast to fit into environments, but this one was kind of fun with the learning of a new language. He got dressed as Toli in his usual loud way, roamed the halls of the house waking up the family.

Callen walked into the kitchen to find Sveta already cooking. He kissed her on the cheek and helped himself to a glass of milk.

"G!" Toli's voice came from the garden; he flinched a bit and then smiled as he saw the large man standing there with two baseball gloves and a ball. "You teach me baseball, yes?" he asked.

Callen looked at Sveta for permission, "May I please Mama Rostov?" he asked.

"Da, Moy syn," she replied nodding her head.

Callen looked at her, "Da means yes, right? But Mama, what does moy syn mean?" he asked.

"Why it means my son. That is who you are and Alaina is moy doch', my daughter," she said

Callen grinned and ran out to join his foster father throwing the ball around before breakfast.

After breakfast, Toli went to work as a dockworker and Sveta got on with her household chores, while Alaina and Callen sat in the garden. Alaina pointed to things and said them in Russian. Callen repeated what she said and then told her what the word was in English.

"Drevo," she said pointing to the tree.

"Drevo. Tree!" he said seriously.

"Zlak." She pointed to the ground.

"Zlak. Ground?" She shook her head. "Path?" Again a no. Callen focused. "Grass. Zlak. Grass," he said as she smiled.

"Malen'kiy sestra," she said pointing solemnly to herself.

Callen thought about it. "Girl. No? Small girl? Look at me?" He was stumped.

"Little sister silly," Alaina jumped into his arms, "and you are, Bol'shoy brat-big brother," she giggled tickling him until he too laughed.

His outlook on life after being there for a month had changed.

He was rapidly picking up Russian, he felt a part of the family, and his schooling had improved although he did at one point get a telling off from his teacher after being late for school one morning a month after arriving at the Rostov's

He had dropped Alaina off as Mama had a small cold and he was three minutes late for class.

"Mr. Callen, you are late to my class again," Mr. Bishop said as Callen tried sneaking into his class."

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