09|episode 2.2

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I left the room and went back to the dining hall where the staff was giving instructions, "we will be calling you up by your company to receive your ranking after the first episode." The staff member looks down on a piece of paper and called some names, " Cai Xukun, Zhou Tengyang, Huang Yuanwei, Huang Ruohan, Gan Jun, Hou Haoran, Li Junyi, and Zhou Rui follow me please."

All the people the staff member called followed her to one of the practice rooms. She told us that we will go in one by one. When it was my turn I was nervous. I was the last one to go in. If I didn't do well, I'm letting everyone down.

"Huang Yuanwei," one of the staff member called me.

I walked into the room standing in the middle of the room.

"Introduce yourself and tell the camera what rank you think you got," a staff member says.

"Hello everyone, I'm Huang Yuanwei. I would like to get higher than 20."


"So many people are supporting me to do well and so I don't want to let them down."

"Please check your 24-hour ranking."

I took a deep breath and grabbed my ranking folder-thingy. I was scared. Opening it slowly, I prayed. I fell to the ground when I saw my ranking.

"I got 18," I said trying to hold back my tears and standing back up. It was such a good grade because I know I can still improve. "Thank you for everyone who voted for me. I won't let you down."

"Thank you, you can go to practice," the staff told me.

When I walked out, ChengCheng stopped me and asked if I was okay and I told him I was.

"There are rooms with letters. These letters correspond with the grade you receive during the first evaluation. Please go to your rooms for further instructions," a staff member told us while we were getting lunch since everyone just finished their interviews.

We all thanked the staff member for the information and everyone started to walk to their rooms.

"I guess we are in the same room," Justin said with Zhengting and Zeren behind him.

"I guess so," I said with a smile.

It took us a while to find the room but we found the room. A bunch of people with pink sweaters on were already in the room waiting.

"This is everyone. Well, welcome to your first class of the day. Right now, you are about to see Teacher Li to learn and practice the theme song but before that, here are the lyrics," the staff member said handing out the lyrics. "After, you will come back here to practice more on the song. When that is finish, you'll be going to lunch then learning the dance. In 3 days, you will be recording yourself for your re-evaluation. Any questions?"

None of us had any questions so the staff lead us to this huge room. All the trainees were in their "class", which were by their grades.

"After you meet with Teacher Li. Teacher Jieqiong and Teacher Xiao will come to teach the the dance."

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