35|episode 6.4

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"So you are saying that you remember all of their names?" A trainee asked clarifying.


"How did you get to know them?"

"I'm wondering the same thing," MCJin added.

I smiled, "long story short, my best friend is SEVENTEEN's Jun's little sister."

"You know more idols then I do," Jackson says in shock.

"I doubt it. But any other questions?" I asked the group. "If not, I have a question for the mentors. Why did you become an idol and why did you think it was the best choice for you?"

The mentors answered my questions like I thought they would. I think the trainees have some relief knowing the idols we idolize even have doubts about debuting.

"I think that is it, I really hoped you all have fun today. You get the rest of the day free," Jackson told us and the trainees started to leave. "Huang Yuanwei can you stay back for a minute?" I nod my head waiting for all the trainees to leave.

"What's up?" I asked when the two rap mentors were in front of me.

"So you know how you composed the song 'It's Ok' and 'Mack Daddy' for the final performance?" MCJin said and I nod.

"The mentors will be pulling you out of class to slowly work on the dances and lyrics of the song. Maybe 15-20 minutes at a time until the final show," added Jackson. "So enjoy your last couple days of freedom."

I laughed, "I will."

Bowing goodbye to the mentors, I made my way to my room when I got an email. Opening it, I realized it was from the CEO of Yuehua. She told me that she would like to meet today. Quickly emailing her back, I told her I would be free. After sending that I was in my dorm room alone writing lyrics until I received an email. It told me to be at the entrance of the dorm in 10 minutes and that the staff already knows she is coming.

I quickly stopped what I am doing and change into something presentable. But I couldn't choose so I decided to facetime Johnny because is very fashionable.

"Johnny," I childly said in English when he answered the facetime. "I need your help."

"With what my child?" He said in the practice room.

"This CEO wants to meet and I don't know what to wear, so please help," I said sounding like I'm begging for cookies.

"Show me," He said so I did. "The second one."

"Thank you oppa," I said ending the Facetime.

I doubt check my outfit and put on vans before heading out the door.

I doubt check my outfit and put on vans before heading out the door

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"Where are you going?" Xinchun asks as I was closing my dorm door.

"I have an unexpected meeting with a very important person," I told him as we walked down to the front of the dormitory.

"Who?" Xinchun asks like he was a little girl.

"An important someone. I don't know if I can say."

"Huang Yuanwei?" Someone called my name.

"Hello," I said bowing.

"Hello Mama Du," Xinchun says bowing along with me.

"I hope you doing well," Du Hua said to Xinchun and he nods. "Please do not tell the others you see me. As for you, Huang Yuanwei we should get going."

I followed her to her car and got in.

"May I ask why you wanted to talk?" I kindly ask with the most manners I have.

"Let's go somewhere first. Also just call me Mama Du," Mama Du told me.

"Okay," I said bowing my head a little.

{COMPLETE} 100 Trainees - IDOL PRODUCERWhere stories live. Discover now