61|episode 10.1

681 14 0

[mesaages - valentine boy♥️]

Hua, I think I messed up big time.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. Jaehyun is older than me but yet I'm giving advice.

What you do this time oppa?

I finally told Taeyeon I like her
I i thought she was asleep
but she wasn't. She told me she
liked me back so i asked her on a date tomorrow.

Aww cute, my love children
finally getting gather !

"Love children?" Minghao questioned reading my messages.

"Jaehyun-ge was born on February 14 and Taiyun-jie was bore March 14," I explained.

Shut up, but what do I do?

Why are you ask me?
If you like her them just ask
her out, plain and simple.

Because you've dated more than me.

Lies, I bet you had a lot of
girlfriends in middle and high school.

I didn't.

Really? you looked like this.

Really? you looked like this

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How did you get my picture?

"Yeah, how did you get his picture? And where are my pictures?" Minghao says getting jealous which makes me smile.

"You being jealous is cute," I said pecking his lips.

Who do you think I am?
I am NCT's number 1 fan!

I- okay.

Okay bye-bye before my boyfriend gets
mad at me for not giving him attention

I chuckle slightly, putting down my phone to face Minghao.

"So your boyfriend is mad for not getting you attention," he says trying to be mad at me.

"Aww don't be mad," I say doing a cute pose, he smiles.

"My sunshine," he says before kissing my lips.

Something about this kiss is different, there's a thirst. Kissing back, I wrapped my arms about his neck pulling him close. He does the same but his arms are around my waist. Minghao pulled away and put his forehead on mine.

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