54|episode 9

726 17 0

Today was the cut day, the reranks. I don't think I've been more scared because I'm last ranked, I have a chance of leaving.

"Yuanwei, you ready?" Xukun asks me.

"Not really, I'm scared ge," I say looking at the floor.

"Hey hey, don't cry," he says pulling me into a hug. "It'll be okay."

"How do you know that? I'm probably going to get cut anyway," I expressed to the older boy.

"Don't think that okay? From the votes we got, I doubt you will get cut."

"Huh? I never check the ranking we got, I was too scared."

"Well it is good, here," Xukun says handing me his phone.

I looked at it and it had our scores and vote.

"You're messing with me right?" I ask in shock. I got first place out of my group and got number one in rap. "Please tell me it is."

"I swear it isn't. You beat all the other trainees in rap."

I didn't know what to think about it. Being still in shock, Xukun dragged me to the recording site. When we went on set, Xukun and I did out introductions together before we sat next to each other.

Ever since what happened between me and Minghao, I strayed away from YueHua in totaled. We still text but not as often as we use too. Truthfully, I think I miss all of them. It was like a family and I want it back but I missed it up in the first place.

"Hey, you okay?" Xukun asks me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I say putting my head on his shoulder.

"Thinking about Minghao again?"

"I shouldn't be but yeah."

"It's okay, things will get better."

"Do you know for sure?" He shakes his head. "Then don't give me false hope."


Xukun was interrupted by Zhang PD. Then I felt my nervous present. PD started the ranking, as the trainees go up I cheered. When Zeren's name got called I cheered the loudest.

"You really are a fan," PD says with a chuckle looking at me.

"What can I say?" I say as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Next up is rank 18. This trainee is so full of surprises," PD started. "He has been on a decline and now he is up the ranks again."

There were mumbles on who could it be, but I got a feeling PD meant me.

"I think it could be you," Cai Xukun whispered into my ear.

"I doubt it. There is no way I could've risen that much," I say look at PD, who was staring at me.

"The trainee worked the hardest when they need too but also a mood lightener," PD started. "He is i-actually they have a company now. She is from THE RISING LABEL."

I froze still as PD said my label, no way.

"She is THE RISING LABEL, Huang Yuanwei."

Cai Xukun had to shake me back to reality. Standing up, I was overwhelmed with hugs from all the trainees. Hugging them all back, I walked on the stage with tears falling rapidly. One by one, the trainees told things to the rest stil sitting then it was my turn.

"I don't know what to say," I say wiping tears. "I never thought that I would still be standing here. Saying this, I wish all of you could be standing up here. Truthfully, I've failed you Huang Minghao-ge, Bu Fan-ge, Cai Xukun-ge, and Wang Ziyi-ge. I'm sorry. And Zhengting-ge, I should've listen to you but I didn't. Looking back, I couldn't have asked to have better friends. Thank you for still helping me even when I've failed all of you," I cried bowing. "I'm all of yours number one supported."

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