75|episode 12.3

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Today was the final stage and I was nervous. When I came back to the set yesterday, I apologized to trainees and tried to explain the situation. I still feel bad even if they said it was okay.

"Huang Yuanwei, we are ready for you," a staff member told me and I nod going to the stylist. I got changed and got my hair down but straight because it makes the most sense.

"5 minutes!" The staff shouted down the halls.

[messages - chenle "the dolphin" zhong🐬]

Today is the live show and I'm
watching it at home with the
Geges. I hope you are proud of
yourself even if you didn't make
the final 20. But also I love you
and I knew you would do great.
Jia you! 10 + 6 is so good!

Aww thanks Zhong, I love you too.
Tell the Geges I love and miss them.

"Get on stage now!"

On cue, all 100 of us trainees made our way towards the stage and performed Ei Ei one last time.

When that was finish, I ran back into the stylist to change because I'm one of the MCs with PD tonight. Getting change the stage told me I had about 2 minutes.

"Here," the stylist says handing me a pair of matching sneakers

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"Here," the stylist says handing me a pair of matching sneakers.

Putting them up, I walked out of the room. When walking back to the stage, the staff handed me cards and filled me in on what's happening. I made my way standing next to PD then the staff started to count down in my earpiece.

"Welcome back. This is iQiYi <Idol Producer>'s debut stage. Hello everyone, I am the Citizen Producers' Representative, Zhang Yixing," PD says next to me.

"I am Huang Yuanwei," I say smiling.

"We are," PD started.

"XingHua," we said causing some laughs since it is made up of our names meaning starflower.

"I want to ask the trainees something," I say looking at them. "Has waiting for this day been extremely difficult?"

"Yes!" All of them screamed back.

"Yes, for such an important day, many extremely important guests have also come to the venue. Including the mentors that have always helped and stayed with us," PD says reading his cards. "Teacher Jackson Wang has also participated in the dress rehearsal for this live broadcast today and prepared thoroughly. But because he suddenly didn't feel well, he was forced to go to the hospital for treatment. But Teacher Jackson Wang nevertheless cares about out trainees very much. He wishes for all the trainees that the stage goes smoothly and that they can achieve their own dreams. Here, we also wish that Teacher Jackson Wang will get wells soon, take care of his health and take care of himself. You've worked hard, next we will introduce the mentors to everyone. Rap mentor, Teacher Ouyang Jin."

We all over to MCJin ask he was doing an introduction and we did this for every mentor until it was back to PD. PD spoke a few more times until the representatives from the finally 20 trainees came and they were introduced by Zhou Rui.

"Can I ask you a question Zhou Rui?" I asked looking at the boy after he finishes introductions and he nods. "Now besides shooting dramas and singing, it feels like you are going to debut as a host too, right?"

"Thank you, Huang Yunawei for paving another road for me to get rich," he joked.

"You're welcome," I say smiling at the boy and remind myself to tell Eric to contact him.

The whole time, mostly PD was talking which I was fine with. I stood there smiling at the representatives of the companies and Citizen Producers. Soon enough, PD told the debuting group's name, NINE PERCENT.

"Now it is the live performances but let's see who is center," I say to the camera.

When I said that, I needed to go backstage and change into my clothes. My dancers were already there and change.

 My dancers were already there and change

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{COMPLETE} 100 Trainees - IDOL PRODUCERWhere stories live. Discover now