Live, Love and always learn the hard way

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<P>Hey guys</P>

<P>This is the first story I have written, I hope you guys like it.</P>

<P>Vote and let me know what you think... good or bad! I'm really excited about my story J</P>

<P>Also if someone could let me know how to set it up so you have to turn to the next page rather than scrolling through the whole story that would be great !! J </P>

<P>Thanks guys</P>


<P>Haileyxx  <3                                                                                         </P>

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<P>I was running............</P>

<P>I ran and ran until my legs couldn't run anymore, I turned around "shit" I whisper yelled, I can still hear their footsteps. I started running again and quickly slipped into the alley way behind the local shops. I hid behind the dumpsters. "She went this way" screamed the first police officer, he ran around the corner followed by his plump sergeant Sharron Johnson, god she made me laugh when she ran she looked like an oompa loompa. I giggled as I ducked out of my hiding place and walked in the opposite direction like nothing had happened. You may think that this is a serious situation that I'm not taking too serious but it happens to me so often that eventually it loses its seriousness.</P>

<P> My name is Hannah Stenten, formally known as Hannah Markuz. I changed my name when my dad left me, I figure if he doesn't want me then I don't want his fucking name. I was an only child my mum raised me the best she could, if she was actually around more often I don't think I would have gotten into as much trouble as I have been lately. When my dad left my mum started working up town at a restaurant and ended up marrying the owner. She comes and stays with me sometimes but is usually with George. I decided I wanted to stay in the house I grew up in so she just pays the bills and considering the money she gets from my dad lets me live there basically for free. Me living alone was great but I think I get myself in allot more trouble this way. You see nobody really suspects the A straight student to be a thief, and an excellent thief May I add, let alone one of the biggest drug dealers in town. I guess looking at me you wouldn't really suspect me either. I have long dark hair that sits just on my hips, I have an olive complexion and I am quite tall compared to your average girl in this town but hey I guess when your skirt is as short as you look you don't really notice the height. Anyway I sit around 5'7, I am slim and my legs are quite long, "sex on legs" as the local boys tend to call me. Not that I give a shit what the local boys call me, I wouldn't touch any of them with someone else's hand let alone my own. I liked only one guy in this crappy town and up until yesterday he hardly even acknowledged me. That's what the running and hiding from the cops around 5 mins ago was about, but we will get to that later. Back to me :) I have green eyes, my dad used to say he saw meadows for miles when he stared into my eyes. My lips were the perfect size not Angelina Jolie styles but they weren't small, I was curvy in all the right places and to top it all off I dressed conservative, my best friend Smurf says I dress like a kindergarten teacher. 'Would you suspect me'? </P>

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