Chapter 5

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<P>When we had finished shopping and I had myself some hot new sunglasses we got back in the car and headed for our meeting. We drove up to a house with a long drive way, "this is it" Smurf pointed. "Ok let's go" I jumped out of the car and headed towards the garage door that was already opened. I looked down at my outfit and thought 'god I look good', I had acquired myself quite a nice black leather hoddie jacket while out shopping. Smurf caught up with me and stepped inside the huge garage before me. There was a girl standing with barely anything on she smiled "Come in they are expecting you". We followed her into a darkish room and I saw James and Michael sitting there, these guys deal the harder drugs where as we just do weed. "Hey Hannah, it's been so long, come and sit here" James spoke then grab my wrist and pulled me down to sit near him. While still holding my wrist he kissed my hand "you are looking good babe", he watched me like he owned me. James had always liked me, the last time we had one of these meetings he ended up with a broken nose and a black eye and I ended up in hospital with a knife cut to my upper arm. He tried to kiss me and I hit him in the face twice, he swung his arm up and I felt a warm sensation on my arm, blood. He had actually stabbed me, the idiot actually stabbed me, he wasn't on my list of friends "Just stick to the plan James" I hissed. "You are my plan Hannah" he whispered that last part in my ear. So that's why he asked for me to be here. "Look Hannah to cut a long story short we propose you join up with us, if we all sell together to the whole market and not split it up will both make twice as much and quite frankly we aren't taking no for an answer". "What"!!?? I yelled and tried to pull my wrist out of his grasp. "I will never join you, No deal buddy" this time I pulled my arm hard enough to get loose. My fist flew towards James's face but what I saw made me stop; Michael had a knife to Smurfs throat. "Stop!!" "Don't hurt him!!!" "Ill do it!!" I screamed and tears started to form in my eyes. "Good" is all James said before my face was being pulled towards his and he crashed his lips to mine angrily! He ran his tongue on my bottom lip asking to deepen this violation, I kept my mouth shut and he bit down on my lip hard, "ahhh" I said in pain, his tongue searched my mouth until it found mine and the taste of my blood filled my mouth.</P>

<P>James held me close to him for hours and by this stage I had convinced Michael to let Smurf go. There was a knock on the door and in walked the girl from the garage I saw before. She made her way over to Michael and straddled him she pushed herself up on him and moved slowly back and forth, "what do you want you bitch you always want something" Michael spoke with hatred, "can I have some baby" she begged like a little puppy dog would. I looked away and shuddered. 'Knock, Knock', "Who is it" yelled James impatiently. "It's Jay"! James jumped up and opened the door. "Jay"!!! "Bro what are you doing here, long time no see, come meet my bitch". My eyes darted up to Jaylens face, what is he doing here? His stare was hard and cold. James pulled me up on his lap, "tell him your name" James ordered. "Hannah" I said with no hesitation. James pulled my hair down and started sucking on my neck, he was about to add another bruise to the many he had already made on my neck since id been here. He pulled my hair hard and I screamed out in pain "stop". "Don't talk back" James yelled pulling my head up by my hair his hand collided with my cheek. I opened my eyes he was standing over me on the floor.  I held my face and tears streamed down my cheeks, it hurt and I could feel it bruising. James pulled me up by my hair and pulled me back to the couch. He then went to kiss me roughly again; I head butted James in the face and quickly got up. He grabbed my arm and pulled out his knife. I jumped back and out of nowhere Jaylen was up with the knife now in his hand and James was on the ground moaning. Jaylen dropped the knife and grabbed my arm, "come on" he ordered and we ran. We got outside and he pushed me towards his car I was exhausted and I collapsed. The next thing I remember is waking up and the most amazing brown eyes were watching me.</P>

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<P>"Ill take you home" Jaylen said all serious again. "Oo ok" I almost whispered. Jaylen knew where I lived because he practically lived here for 2 whole months. We were smoking pretty hard and he just used to sleep on my floor or in the other room. Jaylen and I stayed silent all the way to my house. We pulled up the drive way and he stopped the car, I just sat there for a moment waiting for him to speak but he didn't. I put my shaky hand on the door handle and opened the door. "Thanks for saving me" I turned and said to him quietly, I couldn't meet his eyes. I made my way to my door and unlocked it with my key, "hey do you mind if I come in" Jaylen asked me. He was right behind me and he startled me. I screamed and stumbled through the unlocked door; just before I hit the floor his arms wrapped around my waste and pulled me into chest. My whole body tingled, his touch was so warm and he smelt so good. I looked up into his eyes and his expression was of concern like he actually cared about me, 'wait did I just say caring'? It can't be, he can't care about me we have barely even spoken in a year. "I'm sorry that happened to you" he said suddenly. "When I saw James put his mouth on you I just wanted to kill him" anger filled his tone. "I'm so sorry ill never let anything ever happen to you again" he actually looked as if he was going to cry. "What do you care" I questioned him. "You think I don't care?"" just cause we don't hang out doesn't mean I don't care, why would I bother helping you if I didn't care" he said with a little bit of sarcasm. I stood there just looking at him with my best what the fuck face, "You haven't spoken to me since.... since Jessica" I yelled this at him not realising I was crying again. He pulled me to him and wiped a tear from my cheek, "I won't do that to you again, I didn't mean to ignore you and I won't anymore" He said truthfully. "I just can't handle the drugs anymore Hannah" he glared at me like my mum would. "I... I don't do drugs anymore", I corrected him and turned to walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him, "So you want to hang out for a bit maybe work on our duet for class?" he asked sincerely. I wanted to hang out badly but I tried to tone it down, "Sure I'd like that, but maybe we can relax for a while rather than sing I'm kinda tired". "Ok we'll set up in your room like old times". I blushed and quickly headed up the stairs to my room hoping he wouldn't see my bright red cheeks. "I'm going to jump in the shower is that ok?" I asked him shyly. "Yeah cool ill pick a movie" with that he set off to find a movie. I opened my draw and pulled out a singlet top and pyjama pants. I headed for the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I turned the water in the shower on and got undressed. I let my hair out of it tight bun, it fell back down to my hips. I froze when I saw myself in the mirror, the right side of my face was dark purple and my neck was covered in little purple bruises everywhere. Tears filled my eyes,' why did this have to happen to me'? I stepped into the shower and put my head against the wall as I sobbed hoping the water drowned out my crying. After about 20 minutes I got out and got dressed, I brushed my hair not having the energy to dry it; I left it to dry natural. My eyes were puffy but I stepped out of the bathroom and headed towards my room. I remembered Jaylen was in my bedroom and my heart began to speed up. He had set my bed up for me and made me warm milk, I was quite shocked "ahhh thanks Jaylen" I said not trying to sound too shocked." Just lie down and relax everything will be ok ill watch out for you from now on I promise", did he just say that? Did I really have Jaylen back in my life for good? My head was spinning with unanswered questions  and I soon fell into a deep sleep.</P>

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<P>Hannah's Dream</P>

<P>"Get off me" I was screaming, he held my head down and sucked on my neck. Tears filled my eyes and I cried out again "Please James let me go". "Ill look after you from now on babe" he said as he touched me with his dirty mouth. Bile rose and I tried desperately not to throw up.</P>

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<P>did you guys expect that to happen :) I bet you didn't!! Keep reading for more! Vote and comment <3</P>

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<P>Hailey xx</P>

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