Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I got in to Jaylens car staying silent; I couldn't believe how careless I had been tonight. Thomas had become a close friend and I could tell he cared for me and I had just ripped his heart out and stomped on it publicly.

Jaylen brought his hand to mine rubbing small circles into my palm; he must have noticed how quiet I had suddenly gotten.

"Would you mind if I stayed at your house tonight" I asked after realising Thomas was at my house and I should really give him some space.

"Sure, my mum is out of town" Jaylen said sounding happy.

We sat there in silence until we reached Jaylens house, it wasn't the best looking house but it looked friendly and made me feel like I was at home.

Jaylen unlocked the front door and pulled me towards his room in the dark, turning the light on when we reached it.

His room was filled with football trophies and pictures of football players covered one wall. His bed was very big and it had silk football covers, I had always imagined being in his room and what it would look like, I was in heaven.

 I stepped in and sat on his bed, "Would you mind if I took a shower"? I asked nervously.

"Yeah go ahead" Jaylen said leaning in and kissing my lips softly.

He still smelt the same as I remembered and his touch made my body go crazy, I wanted him from now to the day I die.

Jaylen pushed me down on the bed softly, leaning in over me.

 His body pressed against mine and they fit together like they were made for each other.  

Jaylens lips moved with mine and our tongues danced together, every move perfect and in sync like they had danced together forever.

Jaylen moved his lips to my neck and his breath brought warm tingles to my skin, a small moan escaping my lips.

Jaylens lips came back to mine and he ran his hands slowly down my sides, stopping at my hips. We kissed each other with everything we had not even coming up for breath.

Jaylen moved his mouth to my ear breathing heavily on my skin, "shower?" he whispered breathlessly in my ear.

I breathed in deep and let out a sigh, "yes shower".

Jaylen got up off the bed and held out his hand to help me up, "I'll show you where it is".

I followed Jaylen down the hall to a bathroom filled with dolphins. Dolphin shaped soap, dolphin tiled walls, dolphin fixtures, it was bizarre.

"My mum likes dolphins" Jaylen said, shrugging.

"I figured" I said letting out a small giggle.

Jaylen smiled and handed me some towels, "I'll leave some clothes by the door" Jaylen said kissing my lips lightly and then turning and leaving me to my shower.

I turned on the hot water and started to undress, I undid my zip which was easier undoing than doing. I took my shoes off, slid out of my dress and stepped into the shower, my body embracing the warmth of the water.

I washed my hair and washed the makeup off my face, concentrating on my eyes to get the eye liner off.

I finished washing myself and stepped out pulling my towel around me and wrapping one in my hair.

 I dried my hair as much as I could with a towel and ran my fingers through it, it fell into place messily but it looked sexy as hell.

I walked over to the door and opened it a little immediately seeing the clothes Jaylen had left me, a long t shirt and a pair of boxer shorts.

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