Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

My heart pounded in my chest and I started to feel like I was going to be sick. 

Thomas stood in front of us, his angry stare burned deep through my soul. What have I done to him? How could I have turned my sweet innocent Thomas into a person I didn't even recognise.

"James wants you to join him and deal drugs together or not deal at all" Thomas finally spoke. His eyes looked deep into mine and then his gaze fell on Jaylen.

"James also wanted me to give you a message Jaylen" Thomas spoke; a small evil smile grew on his lips. He actually looked a little scary and I was starting to wonder if this was the real Thomas and the one I had come to know was just an act. A really good act.

Jaylens face grew hard and he stared Thomas straight in his eyes, "Yeah and what's that?"

"Its coming" Thomas said his smile growing. He really was starting to scare me now, his eyes looked a little crazy and his smile wasn't any better. He was starting to remind me of the joker from batman.

Jaylen laughed a small impatient laugh keeping his eyes directly on Thomas "What's coming Thomas?" Jaylen said in a mocking tone and then he began to laugh a little harder.

I squeezed Jaylens hand signalling for him to stop laughing because I could see Thomas starting to grow agitated. One of Thomas's eyes started to twitch slightly and I knew something bad was coming. I had to stop this before anything bad happened.

"Guys let's just be civil about this and walk away" I said staring at Jaylen then to Thomas and back to Jaylen.

"Shut your mouth and don't speak to me unless I ask you to" Thomas said suddenly shocking me to my core.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that" Jaylen said angrily lifting his arm across me pushing me back slightly.

Thomas's eyes stared at Jaylen his hatred burning holes right through him, he opened his mouth and I thought he was about to speak. Instead he lunged forward throwing a punch towards Jaylens face.

Jaylen had anticipated Thomas's punch and had already stepped to the side dodging the punch easily. Jaylen was like a god when he was fighting, he fought with so much precision and power I had to mentally slap myself most of the time just to stop myself from staring and smiling at him.

I had never seen anyone take him down but Thomas had me worried, he looked like he would do anything to win this fight.

Thomas steadied himself and lunged forward at Jaylen again this time slightly grazing Jaylens left cheek.

Jaylen took a step back looking a little stunned that Thomas had actually landed a hit.

I looked around and noticed students had started to gather around us, students including Jessica. She actually looked concerned.

A car screeching to a Holt behind us distracted Jaylen for a moment, Thomas realised this and got in another hit to Jaylens left jaw.

Jaylen fell back on to the floor and Thomas took his advantage quickly getting on top of Jaylen punching him repeatedly. Though Jaylen was doing a good job blocking Thomas's punches I could see that he was struggling to get free and panic shot through me. The thought of anybody hurting Jaylen killed me inside.

"Stop it" Jessica screamed from the circle of people that surrounded us, "Someone stop him" She screamed again. Her hands were on her face and I could see that this was also killing her inside, deep down in that dense head of hers she actually had feelings, feelings for the guy I just realised we both love.

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