Chapter 10

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My heart raced and I felt my palms get sticky with sweat, still I stayed quiet. "Hannah did you hear me" Jaylen said sounding a little desperate. I didn't answer him; I had so many things running through my mind. Why is he doing this to me? Is he trying to stomp on the little piece of heart I had left after he'd already broken it? I can't do this again and I won't. "I think we should work on our song now" with that I got up and picked up my words.

Jaylen looked hurt and his gaze fell from me back to the floor in front of him. With no words spoken Jaylen got up and we began. We sang the song over and over trying not to directly look at each other. The bell rang and I jumped slightly, it brought me back to reality, and without even speaking I turned and walked towards the school nurses office. I had to see Thomas.

I walked into the nurse's office and my gaze fell to the bed in the corner of the room, Thomas lay there staring at the ceiling. His face was swollen and bruised but he was still sexy as hell. And badass may I add, no one ever stood up to James.

Thomas looked at me and he looked slightly embarrassed when he realised it was me. "Hey Thomas" I said, pulling a chair up and sitting next to his bed. "Hey Hannah" Thomas said sounding sad. "Are.... are you okay"? I asked nervously. "I'm fine", he turned to stare at the wall and his expression grew angry. "I'm sorry James was here, I should have never got involved with him" I said touching Thomas's shoulder.

Thomas turned to look at me, "What are you talking about"? He said looking shocked. "Um well if it wasn't for me James would never have come here and this would never have happened"! I said pointing to his face. "Why would my brother be here for you"? James asked confused and then it looked like a light bulb had gone off in his head. "Oh Hannah no, Why would you"?

By that I think he realised I was part of the drug trade and He didn't look happy. "It's a long story and don't judge me" I said defensive. "I'm not judging you its just I left to get away from drugs and I walk straight back into it", Thomas said looking frustrated with himself.

"You left?" I asked shocked.

 "Yeah that's why I work at the pizza place, to pay for my accommodation", Thomas explained. "You live in a hotel?'' I asked, "Well not exactly a hotel more like a caravan park" Thomas said looking embarrassed again.

 "Thomas you don't have to be embarrassed, I understand. I really did understand it's hard to stay off drugs and even harder to get away from them; Thomas had to leave no matter where he stayed.

 "I'm not embarrassed" Thomas said sounding a little offended. "Look I know what will solve everything" I suddenly had a great idea.

 "What's that?" Thomas asked.

"You won't be staying in a caravan anymore and you won't have to go back home either, your staying with me". Thomas looked shocked and went to speak again but I interrupted him "Not up for discussion" I smiled a flirty smile at him and I could see he had given in.

Thomas and I walked through the main hall of the school and realised everyone was already on lunch. There were people everywhere and they were staring. I looked up at Thomas and realised he was uncomfortable and probably embarrassed by all the bruising on his face. I reached out and laced my fingers through his, he looked at me and I nodded slightly letting him know it was ok. We walked hand in hand through the crowds of people and their stares. We got to the exit and I suddenly felt a hot and tingly sensation pass through me, Jaylen was watching me.    


We walked out and Hannah headed towards a bench that gave us some privacy. She looked sad and hurt. Her eyes were cold and I watched her as she looked around at the trees and roses that were surrounding us. In this moment she was beautiful, not that she wasn't beautiful already, it's just I was really seeing it for the first time. Her long black hair that was straight and at her hips blew slightly in the wind and her eyes sparkled in the sun light. She was like an angel.

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