Caught you (Cordelia Goode/Reader).

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So. I'm trying to work on new stories since I'm on my break but honestly I'm so lazy to actually write or think of something hahaha. BUT here you go, a request from @SoundwaveSoldier. I hope you guys like it! Keep requesting and commenting! Love to see your comments;)

Also, I'm working on another rp that I'm thinking about posting. Still not sure if I should post it but we'll see about that;)


Usually, the girl went out every weekend with Zoe, Queenie, Coco and Mallory. But today, everyone decided to stay home to have a movie day. Everyone were in their pajamas since Zoe, Queenie, you and Cordelia were going to a meeting. Ever since you came into the academy, you became part of the council since everyone was surprised by the power you had and you caught Cordelia's attention.

And not only did your powers caught her attention but also your beauty and your personality. It's been so long since someone has caught Cordelia's attention like this. But, you knew it was wrong to date the supreme so you hid your feelings for her until Cordelia confessed the feelings were mutual.

You two started dating after 2 months of going on hidden dates. No one knew about you two, not even Zoe or Queenie who were part of the council or Coco and Mallory who became your best friends. You were scared that they'd get mad or they would think Cordelia preferred you before her coven, you didn't want to ruin things between Cordelia and you and also for the academy. No one knew you sneaked out to Cordelia's room at night, no one saw you leaving her room in the morning, no one saw you two going for a walk in the afternoon or having lunch together, the stolen kisses, the light touches, the hold of hands. Everything was clear for you two.

Today in particular, no one had seen you downstairs or getting out of your room. Everyone thought that maybe you were getting ready for the meeting since it was your very first meeting with the whole council and getting the meet other members and important people. You had mentioned to Mallory and Coco that you were nervous and you wanted to look presentable for this meeting not really knowing what to wear.

Mallory and Coco offered to help you get dressed but you insisted that you had everything ready. You had your clothes, you had your hair done and a light makeup on. You were ready and excited to leave the academy. But you never expected that something was going to change in just a meter of minutes...

Cordelia pushed you against the wall and attacked your neck with open mouth kisses, making you moan and tremble for her touch. "C-Cordelia...w-we are going to be l-late..."

The supreme chuckled against your neck. "I just need a few seconds, my love. You know I can do it." She said as she ran her hand down your abdomen until she got to the part where you needed her the most.

You moaned softly, looking down at her. "Delia...I-I want this but..." you moaned again as you felt her lips going lower. You were so lost in your thoughts and the pleasure that you didn't notice Cordelia opening you shirt abruptly, ruining completely your shirt.

Cordelia kept kissing your body, too lost to actually care about the shirt in the moment. But she went back to reality when someone knocked on the door. She stood up rapidly, looking back. "Y-Yes?"

"Cordelia just wanted to let you know we are ready. I think y/n is still in the bathroom. We'll be waiting for you two downstairs." Zoe said as she left.

Cordelia turned to look at you and cleared her throat. "I-I guess we'll have to leave this for other day, my darling." She blushed a little, smirking as she noticed the state you were in.

You nodded and cleared your throat, composing yourself. "Y-Yeah that's alright." You chuckled as you looked down at yourself noticing your shirt. "Cordelia!" You looked back up at her. " ruined my shirt!"

Cordelia laughed. "I'm sorry! I didn't notice, really." She laughed again as you hit her arm playfully.

"Now I need to change." You said as if you were pissed at her.

Cordelia shook her head as she chuckled, walking to her closet and coming back after a few seconds. "Here. I believe this is yours. Just put it on and I'll wait for you downstairs." She said as she caressed your hair, putting it back to her place and kissing your forehead before leaving the room.

You laughed again as you took your shirt off and without even looking at it, you put on the shirt Cordelia gave you. You looked yourself in the mirror to fix your hair and ran down the stairs as fast as you could. You got to the kitchen to find some witches there, including Mallory and Coco.

"Morning guys." You smiled as you grabbed a mug.

"Morning y/n! How-" Coco stopped on her tracks, staring at you.

Mallory noticed Coco and turned to look at you, her mouth falling open but a smirk appearing on her face.

The whole kitchen went silence then, the young witches staring at you, all eyes on your clothes. Zoe and Queenie looked at each other, not really knowing what to do or say. When you noticed the silence, you turned to look at them, furrowing your brows.

"W-What is it? Do I look that bad or what?" You asked confused. In that same moment, Mallory, Coco and Queenie started laughing, all the young girls looking at each other and making comment while Zoe only looked at you with her cheeks red. "What are you laughing at?"

Coco laughed. "Just that I actually won a bet, I cannot believe I did!"

You furrowed your brows again, looking at Zoe who seemed to be the only one not saying anything. "What is going on?"

Zoe cleared her throat. "Well uh..."

In that moment, Cordelia entered the kitchen, smiling at everyone. "Hello girls." Coco, Mallory and Queenie then laughed again, making Cordelia confused by this. She looked at you. "What did I say?"

"Seems like we are in the same page cause I don't know what's going on here." You shrugged, looking back at the girls.

"You are wearing Cordelia's shirt!" Coco laughed and threw her head back.

Your eyes widened as you looked down at the shirt. This was Cordelia's favorite shirt. She had worn it millions of times. Oh shit. They knew about it.

"I-I...s-so what? I ruined mine with makeup and uh...Cordelia-"

"Honey, we know you have a lot of good clothes. You could've changed into your clothes. Not Cordelia's." Queenie smirked, still laughing.

The young witches only stared at you and Cordelia, not really sure of what to say. Cordelia looked at you, her cheeks as red as yours not sure of what to say or do.

"We know you two are dating, don't think you two are quiet." Madison said as she entered the kitchen, walking pass them and grabbing a cup of coffee. "Don't look so surprise, love birds. We already knew even if you didn't say anything. So now you can cut the crap. Everyone thinks you two are cute." She rolled her eyes.

The young witches started chuckling, one of them standing up and nodding. "That's right, Miss Cordelia. We don't mind at all. You two are cute and we're happy for you." She said as she smiled at both women and left the room.

The other witches smiled at them and also left the room. Coco and Queenie smirking at them and high fiving as they left the room, still laughing.

Zoe turned to look at them. "I'm sorry about that but...I'm happy for you two." She smiled as she followed the girls.

Madison looked at them. "I guess they are right...we are happy for you two." She said coldly as she also left the room, followed by Mallory who only rolled her eyes at Madison and smiled back at the women before leaving.

You cleared your throat as you looked at Cordelia. "Well uh...I-I guess they now know." You chuckled.

Cordelia laughed and nodded. "I guess they do." She smiled as she pulled you closer. "You look good on my clothes." She bit her lip.

You smirked. "I thought you liked me without any clothes." You whispered.

"Oh they are going as soon as we come back home. But...I love you in any way." She said as she kissed your lips softly.

You smiled again her lips. "So do I." You said before pulling her for another kiss.

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