Drunk Confessions (Foxxay).

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I'm baaaack! Well, not entirely since I only have this one to post lol. But I hope you enjoy this one and pleeeeeease if you have any request for a one shot, do send it to me privately or you can also comment in here! It would help me so much to get some inspiration and start writing every week again or every day! I'm almost done in school so I can focus in my writing more ;) Hope you enjoy this, please comment :D


Misty didn't know how exactly happened; she wasn't even sure why she was in that place. Cordelia had been so busy that she knew she wouldn't do anything more than going to the greenhouse and spend her whole night in there. It was the usual for her, every time Cordelia was busy there was not much Misty could do. She usually read books to practice her powers or listened to Stevie. Nothing fun really.  

But Misty had been feeling...frustrated? Yeah. She has heard the other girls saying that word. She had been feeling frustrated. The reason? The Supreme. After having a deep and long talk with Zoe and Queenie, Misty had finally come to the conclusion that, indeed, she was in love with Cordelia, but she didn't know how she could say it. So, after days of thinking, crying because she was afraid, and dealing with her feelings, she had finally decided to tell Cordelia. But it seemed like her chance was long gone since Cordelia had been spending most of her day on her office.  

October was a busy month for Cordelia, lots of paperwork, lots of new girls seeking for a place to stay, meetings, etc. It was almost annoying how Cordelia had changed in such a short time. Misty knew she didn't mean to be distant or to really ignore her, but it still hurt Misty because the longer she held her feelings, the longer the pain stayed. She would wait for Cordelia until late at night, waiting in her room and reading something or listening to Stevie, then she would feel a powerful presence and knew Cordelia was walking to her room, but the moment she went out her door and see if Cordelia was still awake, she would see the lights off. It was harder than she thought. She should've  told her  this sooner.  

"Come on, Mist! Don't just sit there, drink something and come and dance! We know you love that."  Coco said as she winked at her and handed her a drink. 

Misty bit her lip as she looked down at the drink and up at the girls dancing.  

So, tonight she had decided to finally listen to Coco and Madison and go out with all the other girls. Cordelia wouldn't even notice that she wasn't in the house. She had asked Zoe for help with her clothes -though she hadn't changed much since she was nothing like Madison or Coco, dressing all nicely with heels and shiny things-. She was not one to drink, she had never tasted a drink before, but even Cordelia had said it...there's always a first time for everything.  Misty took a deep breath and took the whole drink down.  


Cordelia threw her head back, leaning into the chair and groaning. It had been a long ass day. She hadn't even noticed until that very moment that the night had fallen, it was probably later than she thought. She took her glasses off and placed them on her desk, standing up afterwards to walk out of the office. As she closed her door, she heard nothing but silence. She knew it was late but she knew her girls, they were no quiet girls and there was always at least a little noise around the house. She checked her phone and saw a text from Zoe, saying they were going out. That was  four hours ago. Wow. She had really lost track of  the time .  

She shook her head and decided to go upstairs and get ready for bed, she would check on them later. But just as she was about to go up the stairs, she heard the door opening and lots of laughing, all joined. There was a point where her mind had told her to just keep going up the stairs, they weren't young anymore and they knew how to take care of herself. But even she knew that she wouldn't be able to stop herself from worrying. She turned around and walked to the front door to meet the girls. Just as she was walking to them, she suddenly stopped on her steps and her eyes widened. She perfectly knew that laugh. It was... 

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