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The hall we entered was exactly what I expected it to be. A polished dark wood floor covered by a huge area rug with an intricate swirl pattern in dark red, yellow, and orange. A heavy claw foot table stood in the middle of the rug serving no other purpose than to look expensive. The short entry hall gave way to a huge open space flanked by matching staircases leading up to a railed balcony one floor above us. A chandelier twinkled in the middle of the space. The left side of the big room held squishy looking couches and armchairs, dark wood tables dotted the open space between, and ornate stand lamps cast everything in a soft glow. There was also a floor to ceiling bookcase along one wall. The other side of the room had a sleeker, modern look with tall back white chairs and glass top, marble inlaid tables. Bright ingressed lighting made the room look almost sterile. On the back wall was a long bar with a lighted mirror and dozens of colorful liquor bottles.

    I followed Nate into the library. My eyes were drawn to the massive bookcase and I walked along it trying to take in every title. There were sets of encyclopedias on a wide variety of subjects; philosophy, science, religion, as well as an entire section of classics all with matching white spines with gold lettering. I had always loved books and looking at these made me remember my own little book shelf at home that held all my favorites. All destroyed now.

    "He has quite the collection but I don't think some of them have ever been taken off the shelves."

    I pulled my hand away from the book I had been examining when I heard the unfamiliar voice. I  looked around the room but I didn't see Nate. Movement from a shadowed corner of the library drew my attention. There was someone sitting in one of the oversized armchairs. The big chair and shadows hid any details. A pale hand reached out and placed a drink on the table beside the chair. A book laid open next to it.

    "Are you Colin?"

    "No, he is upstairs somewhere, I think. I believe Nate went to retrieve him. My name is Benjamin. I am one of the Phoenix that live here. And you must be the one Nate felt this morning. His speech was slow and deliberate, like he was talking to a scared animal, or someone without all their wits. "I'm glad to see he was able to get you safely. Although, I would say by the looks of you, you have not quite recovered yet? Please, sit and rest." He motioned to a chair across from him.

    I hesitated. I had grown used to Nate and somewhat numb to the situation, but this strange man unsettled me. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something about him that made me uneasy.

    "There is no reason to be frightened. You are safe here. I know you have had a difficult night and lost many things, but you can rest now."

    He was right but still I didn't move forward. I was tired and sitting for a moment was appealing but I really didn't like this guy. He seemed patient though and eventually fatigue won out. Anyway, it would've been stupid for them to save me from kidnappers and bring me all the way here just to off me, right? I moved to the chair across from him a perched on the edge.

    Closer I could see his features more clearly. He was short and slim, in his mid forties perhaps, with salt and pepper hair and a pinched face and pointy nose that made him look a bit like a rat. His dark dress pants and button down shirt looked freshly pressed and stiff. He sat back in his chair and smiled at me, just a slight upturn of his thin mouth that did nothing to make him seem more friendly. He looked like the kind of man who belonged in a house like this. "What is your name?" he drawled.

    Yeah, if I wasn't willing to trust Nate with that I definitely wasn't telling this guy.


    Ben's smile widened. "Well Jemma, I am sure after you have been introduced to Colin, you will be given a place to rest for awhile. Tell me, have you discovered your abilities yet?"

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