The New Me

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Ben wasn't long getting the first aid kit although he looked quite put out over being asked to move from his chair. He returned there as soon as he handed it off. I moved over to Stephen and Kennedy who were still talking quietly. The older man, Kennedy, was more obviously hurt. The cut above his eye had stopped bleeding but a bruise was starting to show on one of his broad cheeks and his movements were unnaturally stiff. As I approached their conversation cut off quickly. Kennedy grinned at me at me though. It looked natural on him. He was short and round with receding brown hair and small twinkling brown eyes. He looked like a man who had never met someone he didn't like. Stephen looked exactly the opposite. He was also short but rail thin which, I saw now, made him look younger than he was. He was not much younger than Kennedy. But where Kennedy looked always ready to laugh, Stephen looked ready to run. His light eyes were wide and darted around the room, his small mouth pinched into a permanent pout, every inch of him looked tense.  

"Hello. I don't think we have met. Names Kennedy." I shook his offered hand. His palm was rough and calloused.

"Jemma. Nice to meet you. Can I take a look at your head?" I laid the medal box on the table and opened the lid. It was stuffed full of the usual fair; cotton swabs, alcohol, bandages of various shapes and sizes, antibacterial creams. There was even a small suture kit. I really hoped I didn't have to use that. I pulled out some sponges and alcohol and turned back to Kennedy.

    I figured it best to start with the cut, "Sorry, this might sting." Kennedy winced as I began cleaning but didn't pull away.  With the caked blood out of the way I saw the cut was clean and shallow. My hands shook as I covered the wound with a sticky gel.

    "You look tired." Kennedy looked in my eyes, "Did you go through the change recently?"

    "I...uh, yes. Yesterday." I mumbled.

    "Ah, sorry, didn't mean to pry but I figured since you just got here and you look about to fall really takes it out of you, I know!"

    "I've heard. I'm fine. How does your head feel?"

    Kennedy laughed but cut off with another wince, "Of course, of course, I am the patient right? Much better now. I'll be just fine." He winced as he raised his arm to check my handy work. I stepped closer and placed a hand on his side before he could lower it again. His thin cotton shirt was wet with sweat. "Where does it hurt?"

    He tried to move my hand away but moaned with the effort. "It's nothing really." He tried to smile but was obviously having trouble catching his breath.

    I continued pressing until I found the tender spot. "I think you have a broken rib or at least a bad bruise. I can't know for sure without an x ray but you're going to need to be off your feet for awhile either way."

    "Humph...well there's an awful lot to do and..."

    "Kennedy," Colin was still standing by the table but was obviously listening in, "She said rest and that is what you will do." His voice was kind but firm. "You'll do no one any good if you hurt yourself more." I thought that was a little hypocritical of him but I kept my mouth shut.

    Kennedy looked like he would protest more but just shook his head instead, "Fine, fine. But I at least need a bath and some dinner before I'm confined to my bed."

    Colin agreed, "There is food in the kitchen, help yourself. I don't think we will be sitting down to a meal together tonight anyway. I want to talk to you more about what happened today but it can wait until morning I think. You both need rest more than I need answers."

    I moved toward Stephen, "Are you hurt?" He flinched away from me as I approached him.

    " I'm ok." His deep voice surprised me. I had half expected him to squeak.

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