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No one wanted to talk so I was left to pace restlessly until a few minutes later when the door to the AV room banged open making everyone jump. Sean barged in. Even in the darkened room I could see the beginnings of what would be a magnificent black eye by morning.

    "Where's that little girl who jumped me? I don't usually hit women but..."

    I walked over to him. He smelled of alcohol and tomato sauce,  "She's outside trying to determine if the FBI has surrounded the house yet."

    "I don't...what?"

    I gave him a quick overview of what was happening. He stared around the room, "Well what are we all doing just sitting here? We need to be arming ourselves. Surely this Colin guy has a stash of guns around here." He looked around like they might actually be in the AV room.

    David stood up, "Actually no, he doesn't. He doesn't like them. But even if he did, that is not how we are going to handle this. The last thing we need is a standoff."

    Sean looked furious, "Oh, come on! What do you think they're here for? To bring us a freaking casserole? Do you think they'll put down their guns just because we don't have any? We have to defend ourselves!"

    David continued, "The first thing we have to do is determine if their is even anyone out there. Which we are. If, IF their is, then we will make a plan to defend ourselves IF we need to. We are not going to start any fights if we don't have to."

    Sean looked like he wanted to yell some more but threw his hands up instead, "Fine, suit yourselves. I'll be at the bar."

    "I don't think so." I followed him out of the room and grabbed his arm to stop him. "You need to lay off the booze for a while. We might need you."

    He pulled his arm away, "Go back to your coward friends."

    "Look, I get it! I agree with you." I did not like saying that.  "We need to be prepared to defend ourselves and if it comes to that we will need you. There aren't many here that would be very useful if it does come to that. David's not saying don't fight, he just wants to make sure there is something to fight first!"

    "Great! Then come get me when you all decide to pull your heads out of your asses." He turned and walked away.

    I stayed in the library to pace some more. The other room was a bit too crowded for me now. Ben came back and took up his spot in the corner without a word.  A few minutes later a noise drew me to the front hall. I ran into the entryway with Ben and Sean close behind. We found Mel and a very white faced Anna standing just inside the door.

    "What happened?"

    Anna only shook her head.

"We found them." Mel said.

    The other's must have saw their entrance from the AV room, we were met by a crowed in the library. Anna looked too scared to speak but Mel had little problem giving details. Not much seemed to phase her.

    "There are two unmarked cars sitting at the turn off by the road. One's got two guys in it and the other's empty. We found maybe four guys wandering in the woods around the perimeter but Anna couldn't be sure she didn't see the same guy twice."

David looked shaken by the news, "I'm locking down the house. At least we'll know if they try to get in." He left for the AV room. Sean was waiting for him when he came back.

"You think sitting in a locked house waiting for them to find a way in is a plan?"

Ben raised a hand, "Listen..."

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