Betrayed and Cheeseburgers

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I spent some more time talking over details with Stacy and Colin and David. With Mel at his side again, Ben was back to his normal ambivalent self, grinning wickedly in his corner as he watched everyone. Eventually James stirred and sat up. He looked confused but Sunny and Dr. Hew sat with him talking quietly and I stayed away. He regained his happy composure quickly and began talking animatedly. He even joined us for lunch but refused to eat any of Fletch's food which he curled his nose at and declared gross, thankfully after Fletch left the room.

I didn't blame him really. Fletch must have been trying to impress the new crowd. His dishes were more elaborate and weirder than usual. There were little pies filled with some kind of meat and a dark hot jelly and a pudding that had both meat and fruit in the middle. I was losing hope of ever eating normal food again. But I saw James watching me out of the corner of his eye so I tried to eat as much as I could. The pies weren't too bad either, if you could get past the texture.

We were just finishing when Ben invaded my thoughts. Someone's here. I nearly dropped my glass in surprise. I shot him a dirty look. "You make a good guard dog." Everyone looked at me in confusion but Ben's grin slipped a bit so it was worth it. The front door bell rang before anyone could ask questions. Colin stood up.

"I think everyone should stay here while we retrieve the documents." He said to the room. But as he and I moved toward the door Ben and Sean came to join us.

I looked from one to the other. "What are you doing?"

Ben answered first. "I'm coming with you. If they want to pull one over on us, better I spot it before they leave." He snickered, "And I make a good guard dog."

Colin nodded. "That's a good idea Ben." I didn't agree but was in no mood to argue with them.

I turned to Sean. "And you?"

He shrugged. "Handsome prince, angel." I sighed. It would be good to have protection just in case. I looked to Colin who nodded.

"Fine. But you stay out of the way unless you're needed." He just grinned as we made our way out.

Colin opened the door to find a large group of people, some of whom I recognized. Bill Lucas stood at the front with Agent Knoll and presumably some of her team flanking him. Behind them I was surprised to see Dr. Whitney and another red haired man I did not recognize.

"Ah yes, hello." Bill Lucas looked out of place, his flabby jaw trembled and he looked pale. "I have brought the documents we discussed Ms. Johnson." He indicated a briefcase he was holding. He completely ignored Colin standing directly in front of him. Colin pretended not to notice the slight and politely invited them all in.

"He's terrified of us." Ben whispered to me.

"Yeah, I got that." We moved into the library.  The agents with Knoll took up places around the room. They seemed especially keen on watching Sean who was sitting in the corner of the room sipping a drink I hadn't seen him get. Bill Lucas took out the paperwork quickly.

"Yes...well...we will leave this here for you then. We will return in a few hours if..." Mr. Lucas was obviously in a hurry to leave.

"I would like you to stay please Mr. Lucas. It will not take us long to look over everything." Colin and Ben both looked at me in surprise. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

" We don't want to intrude. We will just..." He looked desperate.

"No, I insist. Just a moment and I will get you something. Colin, Ben, will you help me get drinks for everyone please?" They looked reluctant but followed me to the bar. I spoke quickly as I grabbed whatever I could find. "He is the one responsible for writing everything in that document. If there are any bad deals in it, he will know. If we can get him to stay while we read Ben can tell me what sets him off. When he gets nervous or anxious or whatever." They both agreed. I sat the drinks on the table.

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