The Good Guys?

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By the clock Nate had brought it was nearly four in the morning when I laid down but I set the alarm for eight. I didn't want to miss the chance to talk Colin out of his crazy idea. I struggled up when the alarm blared and spent some time just sitting on the edge of the bed, collecting my tired thoughts. It was a good thing I had gotten up early. I found Colin in the dining room eating at the long table alone. He refused to hear my objections but was more than happy to give me more details.

"The truck passes the gas station at three in the afternoon. It's a few hours to get there and I want to make sure we get there with extra time. We should probably leave hear by eleven at the latest."

"You never did tell me how you plan on getting to this gas station without being seen."

He laughed, "Well that's easy actually. My father had an underground tunnel built off the garage. It runs all the way to an access road by the highway. We'll take one of the small SUVs out that way and hit the highway. They'll never even know we've left! I never thought I'd be happy my dad was such a nut."

I was not amused by his dodge. "And then what? How do you plan to stop the truck once you get there?"

    "A little high water should to do the trick. But we'll have to be quick. The trucks keep a tight schedule and we may have questions to answer if we're late. I want us to get as far as we can without talking to anyone."

    "Listen, Colin..."

    "Still at it then?" Mel joined us at the table. She was wearing black pants and a long sleeve black sweater, combined with her long black hair and pale skin she looked ready for a funeral.

    "It just seems crazy rushing into something this big without more of a plan." I told her. "Why not wait until after this whole meeting with agent Knoll?"

    "The problem is," Colin said, "We have no way of planning better. I don't think there is more intel to get and I don't think it would help even if we could. And the trucks only run every two weeks. We either do it now or not at all."

    "Ok, then why not use Stephen? He would make this a lot easier and probably safer to get in."

    But Colin was shaking his head before I finished. "We need to move fast and that seriously limits what Stephen can do."

    Mel laughed, "And he probably wouldn't go anyway."

    "I think you underestimate Stephen if you think that is true." Colin said seriously. I sort of agreed with Mel but was glad to hear Colin wasn't leaving him behind because he was too afraid to go.

    Mel dismissed his comment. "Whatever you say. I'm going to get some breakfast." She walked away.

    "Colin, surely there is more time. We can gather more Phoenix here and go when we are better able to defend ourselves." I pleaded.

    "I don't think there are any more to find, new ones at least. Nate hasn't felt anyone new in a while, since you in fact, and from what I can tell it's the same all over. I think the changing is done, or whatever started it has stopped. I don't know." He got up and gathered his dishes. "I've got a lot to get ready before we go."

    I liked Colin. I owed him a lot, but I still thought this ideas of his was horrible. I just wished I could get him to see it. Maybe I could talk some sense into the others. And I hadn't forgotten Nate and what I needed to say to him.

    After some searching I found David on a small sun porch drinking tea. He greeted me warmly but seemed distracted while I discussed my concerns. When I'd exhausted my complaints he silently sipped his tea and stared out the big windows.

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