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Thankfully I didn't have nightmares, but I didn't feel well rested when the alarm blared either. I spent a long time digging through the big chest of draws. I couldn't go to...where ever it was Agent Knoll was taking me, wearing jeans and a tee shirt. But I wasn't a dress up kind of person either and I didn't want one more thing to be uncomfortable about. And I didn't want to come off too soft but I might offend these people by not looking somewhat professional. And what if I got in trouble? I couldn't run in a skirt...I stopped and looked at the clothes scattered around me. What in the hell was I doing? Nobody would care what I looked like! I picked out a pair of dark jeans and a plain white long sleeve shirt. Good enough.

When I made it to the kitchen it was empty except for Fletch. He didn't notice me come in. I decided I wasn't hungry enough to deal with his grumbles so I quietly turned toward the door. I was surprised to hear him speak behind me.

"You should have breakfast." He was watching me when I turned. I sat at the little island while he busied himself making eggs and bacon. He didn't say anything until he sat a plate in front of me.

"Mr. Torrington has asked me to leave this house many times over the months. Says it is dangerous and I would be safer away from him. Right he is too!"

Great. I wondered how fast I could eat. "Then why are you still here?"

"I have been in this house, first with the senior Mr. Torrington and then young Mr. Torrington, for almost fifty years. I helped care for them both. They are my family Ms. Johnson. I have watched Mr. Torrington wander the halls of this great house completely alone for many years. Oh, he had us, he had some friends, distant relatives and such, but he was very much alone. And it broke my heart to see him so." I was startled by his frankness and that he would share something so personal with me. "And then you people came here. He felt some draw, some need that even he couldn't understand, to take you in. I said "It isn't your job to care for them. Look after yourself!" But he would hear none of it!"

His tone grated on me, "Well, we people are grateful for it I can assure you."

The little wisps of grey hair waved on his head as he shook it. "You misunderstand me Ms. Johnson. You asked why I was still here. I am here because of you, all of you." I looked at him in surprise. "Why would I leave now and miss the first happiness to come to this house in so many years.  Because I wouldn't miss that for my life." He smiled, just the barest turn to corner of his creased mouth. "I was wrong Ms. Johnson, wrong about all of you. You are his happiness, having you here, being one of you. And I am grateful to you all. But you most of all."


"Yes. You will keep them together. That is what you are fighting for today, yes?"

"Yes...yes, it is Fletch." I stared thunderstruck as he went back to his work around the kitchen. I finished my meal in silence but he spoke again as I left.

"Take care of yourself Ms. Johnson. I am indebted to you and I do not like to leave my debts unpaid."

"Thank you Fletch." I looked at him seriously, "You know, you could square that dept with a cheeseburger."

"Don't push me girl." He growled.

    There was small chance anyone was up this early but it wasn't a chance I wanted to take. I needed to think with as few distractions as possible. Instead of leaving the kitchen through the dining room I took the back way and found the little sun room where I had seen David drinking tea. The sky was just starting to lighten when I sat down in one of the faded flower chairs. I watched the day bloom over the garden and thought. The rising sun set fire to the red and yellow autumn blooms and made the dew on the short grass shine. I would walk those paths someday and not have to worry about who might be watching. I was joined by Cooper not long after the sun had risen completely over the horizon. He was carrying a cup and a stack of bread.

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